News 2018

Pupils sitting in front of computers

Joint Project: How Is School Data Recorded and Used?

When it comes to digitization, digital data is increasingly being produced in schools. The Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) at the University of Bremen is coordinating a three-year joint project investigating its use. It is financed by the Federal Government with 1.2 million euros.

The logo of the University of Bremen on the façade of the Glass Hall.

Gründungsradar: University of Bremen Ranks Sixth in Germany

The University of Bremen ranks sixth among the major universities in Germany in the 2018 Gründungsradar of the Stifterverband. The university was thus able to improve its best result of 2016 by three places. The current rank included 191 state higher education institutions.

Two women and two men looking at their smartphones

Three New DFG Projects on Media Change

The ZeMKI of the University of Bremen and the Hans-Bredow-Institut for Media Research in Hamburg are receiving funding from the DFG for three new projects. The researchers will be asking, among other things, how journalism and its relationship with the public are changing.

Woman hands over a certificate

2018 DAAD Prize for Student Teacher Samuel Xavier

This year, the DAAD prize, endowed with 1,000 euros, goes to student teacher Samuel Xavier from Brazil. The award recognizes students or graduates of the university for outstanding achievements in their studies and also in their social environment.

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UNESCO Accolade for Sustainability Initiatives

The Virtual Academy of Sustainability and the Hochschule an Nachhaltigkeit – HOCH-N (sustainability at higher education institutions – HOCH-N) network at the university have been recognized by the German Commission for UNESCO (DUK) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Wirtschaftsprofessor Lars Hornuf

Digital Financial Actors: Data Protection Inadequate

Eine Studie unter Beteiligung des Wirtschaftswissenschaftlers Lars Hornuf der Universität Bremen zum Thema Datenschutz bei FinTech-Unternehmen zeigt, dass sich der Umgang mit Nutzerdaten seit Inkrafttreten der DSGVO in vielen Fällen verschlechtert hat.

A Galileo satellite in space.

Second Chance for Galileo Satellite

In August 2014, two Galileo satellites did not reach the planned height. This was a stroke of luck for ZARM scientists at the University of Bremen who are researching Einstein’s theory of relativity. The results have now been published in the Physical Review Letters.

Physikprofessor Justus Notholt lässt es ordentlich knallen

Christmas Physics Event for the Whole Family

The Faculty of Physics of the University of Bremen invites guests to the Physik zum Advent show. On Saturday, December 15, at 11 a.m. university scientists will present physical phenomena in mechanical science, acoustics, and electrical science in a short and relaxed format. Admission is free.

markstones Institute Established: Marketing Characterized by New Technologies

Professors Christoph Burmann, Maik Eisenbeiß, and Kristina Klein, together with their teams, have founded a new institute in the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen. The three marketing experts have called it markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding and Technology.

Christmas at the University Chemistry Laboratory

The chemistry department once again invites you to attend a traditional Christmas lecture. The event with Dr. Stephan Leupold, Katharina Schneider, and Anne-Marie Lilje starts in the large lecture hall C1, building NW 2, block C, in Leobener Strasse on December 6 at 4 p.m. Admission is free.

Portrait of a man

„UN Climate Change Conference sets the course for the International Coral Reef Symposium 2020 in Bremen“

The UN Climate Change Conference will be held in Poland until 14 December. Its results will also have a major impact on the future of tropical coral reefs, says Christian Wild. The scientist acts as conference chairman of the International Coral Reef Symposium in Bremen, planned for July 2020.

Portrait of a man with glasses.

December 5: University of Bremen Invites to Day of Teaching

The Day of Teaching will take place on Wednesday, December 5, with a public discussion event in the Haus der Wissenschaft and internal offers of the faculties on campus. It concludes in the evening with the presentation of the Berninghausen Prize for outstanding teaching.

Man smiling into the camera

Professor Hans Joas Is the Guest of the Fourth Senghaas Lecture

The guest of the fourth Senghaas Lecture of the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies is Professor Hans Joas from Berlin. He will reflect on the subject of postnational imperialism. The lecture will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5, 2018, in the Haus der Wissenschaft.

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Center for Decision Research Launches

The University of Bremen is expanding its research expertise and establishing the Center for Decision Research together with Jacobs University. The institute is meant to combine science and application-oriented tasks. The ceremonial opening takes place on November 30 in the Haus der Wissenschaft.

Europaflagge im Wind

New Study Shows “Trump Effect” in Europe

Donald Trump’s victory in the election for the 45th president of the USA has strengthened the support of Europeans for the European Union. This is the result of a study that now features as an article in a special issue of the US magazine Perspectives on Politics.

The university of Bremen

Active against Predatory Publishing

The University of Bremen is actively combating the phenomenon of predatory publishers. Even before the media coverage on the topic in the summer of 2018, there were various information and advisory services available.

Asia, architecture, around the world, background, banner, building, city, cityscape, design, downtown, house, illustration, landscape, Singapore, modern, night, paper art, paper cut, silhouette, sky, skyline, skyscraper, snow, tour, tower, town, travel, trip, urban, vector, view, white, winter, world famous landmark

China Introduces “Vocational Education and Training PISA” Developed at the University of Bremen

A test procedure developed by the TVET Research Group at the University of Bremen (I:BB) is now being introduced nationwide in China. The Chinese Ministry of Education regards the COMET method – also known as “Vocational Education and Training PISA” – as a key quality assurance project.

Two men are holding a box and sit in a lecture.

A New Scholarship Culture in Germany

They demonstrate outstanding performance and are committed to society: 112 students from the University of Bremen have received a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship this year. The scholarship includes financial support and free workshops to promote soft skills.

Entrace of the university pool

University and Indoor Pools Closed due to Sabotage

Due to a suspected act of sabotage, the entire university and indoor pool facility have to remain closed for the next few days; the police are investigating. Bremer Bäder GmbH and the Verein für Hochschulsport will announce on their websites in the near future when the swimming pools can open again.

A Glacier

How Unknown Glaciers Contributed to Rising Sea Levels

Small glaciers, which are not registered in the inventories, contributed significantly to global rising sea levels in the 20th century. This is the result of a joint study by the University of Bremen and the University of Innsbruck.

[Translate to English:]

BMBF–Joint Research Project on Video-Based Learning

The University of Bremen is a partner in a research project on digitization in higher education. The Bremen project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with around 845,000 euros.

People hoists the red flag at the Bremen Town Hall

New Dramatic Reading: The Revolution of 1918/19 in Bremen

A hundred years ago, not only did World War I end, but the first German democracy was born. This time of upheaval is the focus of the new dramatic reading from the series “From the Files to the Stage.” The premiere is on November 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Theater am Leibnizplatz, Bremen.


Public Event Series on Gender and Sexual Diversity on Campus

With the “Diversity @ Uni Bremen” public event series, the University of Bremen hopes to stimulate exchange on dealing with diversity. It starts on November 20 with new focus and invites participants to a panel discussion on the question of what it takes to open up the university to queer diversity.

Box with Sweets

Mini Computer Proves Successful in Elementary School

With the support of the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, scientists from the University of Bremen have investigated whether the use of Calliope computers in elementary schools makes sense. The results of their study have now been published. Teaching materials will follow shortly.

Potrait of a man

“Whoever Demands the Right to Be Heard Must Grant It to Others”

How can understanding succeed in times of inequality and populism? Political scientist Professor Martin Nonhoff argues that no one should be excluded from the social debate. On the occasion of the 31st Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche, he gives an insight into the broad field.

A lecturer speaks to an audience in a packed lecture hall.

Distinction: “Excellence in Gender Equality!”

In the coming years, the University of Bremen will be given the opportunity to receive funding from the female professors program of the Federal Government and Federal States. In addition, it is one of ten HEIs to be honored by the Joint Science Conference (GWK) for approaches to gender equality.

Der Eingang des Schütting

Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche on Inequality and Populism

On November 15 and 16, 2018, the 31st Bremer Universitäts-Gespräche conference will take place. “Liberal Democracies under Stress: Economic Inequality, Cultural Diversity, and Populism” is this year's theme. The panel discussion in the Schütting at 6 p.m. on the opening night is open to the public.

Back of a soldier with a weapon

A Digitally Processed Visual History of the Holocaust

The Bremen research lab “Film, Media Art and Popular Culture” at ZeMKI is involved in an international research project. It concerns the digitization, analysis, and mediation of films documenting the liberation of concentration camps.

A woman in her bed, caregiver holds her hand

Warning: Those Providing Care to Relatives Become Sicker As They Care

Around 2.5 million people in need of long-term care in Germany are cared for by relatives; these caregivers are more likely to be ill than persons from comparison groups. These are the results from the Pflegereport 2018 (Care Report) written by a team of SOCIUM authors and commissioned by BARMER.

Professor Christian Palentien vor einer Bücherwand

Education Professor Heads Federal Commission of Experts

Christian Palentien, professor in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen, has been appointed chairman of the federal government’s commission of experts for the preparation of the 16th report on children and youth.


EU Project to Strengthen Bremen’s Innovation Infrastructures

European regions should learn from each other in order to improve their capacity for innovation. This is the aim of the EU-funded project “TraCS3,” in which the Institute for Labour and Economy (iaw) of the University of Bremen is significantly involved. A project meeting will take place in Bremen.

Group of students.

Dr. Hans Riegel Specialist Prizes for Excellent Student Research

The University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung have honored students from the region for their particularly good prescientific work. The Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes are endowed with a total of around 5,000 euros.

Mann forscht

University Publishes New Issue of Its Research Magazine “Highlights”

The University has now published a new issue of its research magazine “Highlights.” It presents exemplary projects and planned research – in both German and English – in a comprehensible manner. Interested readers will gain insights into the multifaceted commitment of the scientific community.

Ein Lehrender vor einer Gruppe Zuhörer in einem Seminarraum.

Part-Time Continuing Education in Palliative Care

In February 2019, two continuing education courses in the field of palliative care will start at the University of Bremen. Interested parties can get to know the offers at two information events – on November 6, 2018, for the certificate course and on November 22, 2018, for the master’s program.

portrait of a man

SOCIUM Team Evaluates New Medicines in Innovation Report 2018

The team led by Professor Gerd Glaeske and Professor Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, chairman of the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association, awarded more green lights in the Innovation Report 2018 than in previous years. The study examined 32 medicines that were launched on the market in 2015.

Das Wort "Rückenwind" auf rotem Hintergrund

StartUp-Lounge under the Motto “Tailwind”

On November 6, 2018, the eighth Bremen StartUp-Lounge will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. at the University of Bremen. It is organized by the BRIDGE university initiative with the support of STARTHAUS and brings together people with start-up experience and those interested in start-ups.

Logo of the University of Bremen on a glass pane.

University of Bremen Conferences in November 2018

Research data management, the handling of mobility and flexibility requirements in the working world, and a forum for laser users – those are the topics of the events of the University of Bremen in November.

Drei Männer in einem Büro

Materials for the Photonics of Tomorrow

Novel, atomically thin materials could be used in the future as energy-efficient and versatile light sources. Physicists from the University of Bremen have now published the results of their research into these materials in the internationally renowned journal “Nature Physics.”

Man is explainung something.

Fit for the Digital Transformation in Medicine

The Fraunhofer MEVIS Institute for Medical Image Computing is one of the world’s leading research centers in digital medicine. In order to prepare computer science students for the challenges in this area, the institute and the University of Bremen are now cooperating even more closely in teaching.

Two young people on Bremens Market Place

Invitation to Idea Competition: Logo for Local News App Wanted

At the ZeMKI, a mobile app is currently being developed for news about life in Bremen and the surrounding area. Local news and information from clubs will be available via the “” app. The competition for ideas for the development of a logo will run until November 15, 2018.

Group of persons looking on a smartphone screen

Students Create Audio Walk in Memory of Forced Laborers

Students of the University of Bremen have researched the history of the Bremen-Schützenhof satellite camp in Gröpelingen. They have developed an audio walk for smartphones. It describes the forgotten fates of the forced laborers who were sent to the A.G. Weser shipyard every day.

group of wpmen and men in front of a box

Bremen Biophysicists Involved in European Research Network

The Institute for Biophysics at the University of Bremen is involved in a multinational research network that is to develop new tools in biomedicine. These tools could be used to treat various diseases such as cancer. The Bremen team is supported with 500,000 euros.

Two young men on a glacier

Computer Scientists Research Navigation Technologies

Is there extraterrestrial life on the ice moon Esceladus, one of Saturn’s largest moons? This is what the Enceladus Explorer Initiative of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) wants to explore. The University of Bremen is also involved in the preparations for the mission.

a nurse with a patient, holding his hand

“What’s Next for Nursing Care in Germany?”

The Colloquium on Health Policy, which is aimed at the broader public, begins in the Haus der Wissenschaft (house of research). This time, the series of lectures initiated by the SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy of the University of Bremen focuses on nursing professions.

Young people work at a laptop.

Success in Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung

The University of Bremen will continue its successful work within the framework of the Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung (Teacher Training Quality Campaign). Its Schnittstellen gestalten (designing interfaces) project has been recommended for further funding of around 2.7 million euros by 2023.

People from different generations use media

Innovative Software for Researching Individual Media Use

At the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) scientific software will be further developed over the next three years together with partners. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is supporting the research project with more than 720,000 euros.

Autorin Felicitas Hoppe in einem roten Kleid

Lecture Series: Traveling in the Premodern World

The public lecture series of the Institut für Mittelalter- und Frühneuzeitforschung starts on October 18, 2018, on the topic of travel and travel literature in the Middle Ages. On November 22, Georg Büchner Prize winner Felicitas Hoppe will present her book “Prawda: Eine amerikanische Reise.”

Federal Government Selects SOCIUM Research Center to Participate in New Institute

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is planning to establish an institute for social cohesion. A network of 11 research institutes from ten Federal States was selected for this purpose SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy of the University of Bremen is one of them.

Diverse people between stands.

University of Bremen Welcomes More Than 5,000 First-Semester Students

The overall enrollment figures for the winter semester at the University of Bremen are at the same level as last year. The freshman orientation week from October 8 to 12 and the university start portal ensure a good start to your studies.

Doors to the pool

Indoor Pool Expected to Reopen on October 8

The University of Bremen is expected to reopen the indoor pool on campus at the beginning of next week. The chlorine dosing system in the building was defective. The pool therefore had to be closed at the end of July for operational and health reasons.

Hands of elderly people

Research Project to Reduce Hospital Stays of People with Dementia

People with dementia in assisted living communities should be admitted to hospital less frequently. This is the aim of a research project at the University of Bremen and Erlangen that will begin in March 2019. Dementia living communities in Bremen, Bavaria, Berlin, and Hamburg will be involved.

Excellence Strategy: University of Bremen Successful

The University of Bremen is successful in the Excellence Strategy. Its cluster application “The Ocean Floor – Unexplored Interface of the Earth” from the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences was selected from 88 applications. It will be funded for seven years from 2019 onward.

University of Bremen Conferences in October 2018

The topics of the university’s events in October 2018 range from “Die Maus” door opener day for children and the demands placed on nursing staff in disaster areas to the global development of social policy.


Environmental Researchers Use Satellite Data to Analyze Moorland Fire Exhaust Gases

The moorland fire near Meppen caused by Bundeswehr shooting exercises has been one of the top news items in the media. Researchers from the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen have now analyzed the composition of the exhaust plume using highly accurate satellite data.

Cartoon mit Marsmensch, Ufo und Frau am Fluss

IAC 2018: University of Bremen Presents Space Degree Courses

The 69th International Astronautical Congress 2018 (IAC 2018) will take place at Messe Bremen from October 1 to 5. Some 5,000 international participants from science, business, and politics are expected. The University of Bremen will present its master’s programs in space travel.

Studierende vor einer Zettelwand mit Wohnungsinseraten

Study Shows: Students Suffer from Expensive Rents

Affordable housing for students is becoming increasingly scarce. But the housing situation in Bremerhaven is more relaxed compared to Bremen. These are the findings of a study by the Institute for Labour and Economy (iaw) and the Institute of Geography at the University of Bremen.


Virtual Mars Landscape Enables Testing of Robot Swarms

The Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI) of the University of Bremen is developing a detailed simulation of Valles Marineris on Mars for the DLR Explorer project. In the virtual environment, the collaboration of autonomous space robots is to be rehearsed under real conditions. …

Drawing with cat and mouse

Wide Range of Language Learning Opportunities at the Fremdsprachenzentrum

New semester – new language? No problem with the Fremdsprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen (FZHB)! In the 2018/19 winter semester, which begins soon, the facility will again offer a wide range of opportunities to learn, refresh, or certify languages.

Gruppenfoto Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger

CAMPUSiDEEN 2018 Projects Recognized

In the CAMPUSiDEEN start-up competition, the winners from the “Business Ideas” and “Business Plans” categories have been selected – four of them are from the University of Bremen. They were recognized on September 19, 2018, during a ceremony at the Chamber of Commerce.

Ruine des Diakonissenhauses und Bunker BK6 im Hintergrund

Exhibition on the History of the High-Rise Bunker in Walle

Students present their research on the high-rise bunker in Walle. “Der Bunker, der auf Bremen schaut. Kriegskrankenhaus, Atombunker, Kulturclub” (the bunker overlooking Bremen. Wartime hospital, nuclear bunker, cultural club.) exhibition will open on September 15 and will run until October 12, 2018.

Portrait einer schönen Frau

Kerstin Schill Becomes the New Rector of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg

Professor Kerstin Schill, head of the institute of Cognitive Neuroinformatics at the University of Bremen since 2003, will become the new rector of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) in Delmenhorst on October 1, 2018. She is succeeding neurobiologist Professor Reto Weiler.

Kinder sitzen im Hörsaal

Lecture Hall instead of School: More than 1,300 Students Visit the University

In September, more than 1,300 students visit the University of Bremen. At the invitation of institutes and institutions on campus, they will deal with central questions in the fields of climate protection, marine research, application-oriented mathematics, and space travel. 

Gruppe von Schülern vor Labtop

International Conference on Education and School in Transnational Relationships

"Failing Identities, Schools, and Migrations – Teaching in (Trans-)National Constellations” will be the topic of a conference at the University of Bremen from October 26 to 28 October, 2018.

old and young woman

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Supports Nursing Training Project

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) will provide funding of 366,000 euros for a project under the direction of Professor Ingrid Darmann-Finck at the Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung. The study examines subjective training courses for nursing trainees.

coloured drawing with a family szene

Exhibition Opening in the SuUB: “Marions Buch”

The State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) invites you to the exhibition “Marions Buch” (“Marion’s book”). At 6 p.m. on Friday, September 7, 2018, Director Maria Elisabeth Müller opens the show in the foyer with humorous watercolor drawings “Ach schau, und wer küsst mir?” from 1936.

Der Raum der Stille an der Universität Bremen

Everything Neutral, Right?

With the panel discussion “Everything Neutral, Right? Ideological Diversity at Higher Education Institutions,” the University of Bremen is participating in the sixth Bremen Integration Week. The event takes place on September 6, 2018, at 4:30 p.m. in the Haus der Wissenschaft.

a man getting a red roll

Bernhard Karpuschewski Receives Honorary Doctorate in Hungary

Professor Bernhard Karpuschewski has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Miskolc for his outstanding scientific achievements. This also honored his long-standing cooperation with the Hungarian university.

[Translate to English:] Logo der Universität Bremen

University of Bremen Conferences in September 2018

The conferences held in September at the University of Bremen will cover topics such as biodiversity, metrology, and algebra.

Three roboter playing soccer

Alumni Association Invitation to the Summer Party in Überseestadt

The alumni association of the University of Bremen is inviting guests to the traditional summer party on August 24. Among those attending are Senator of Science Eva Quante-Brandt and the robot soccer players of the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.

Liegende Gallionsfigur

What a Splinter of Wood Reveals about a Figurehead

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes of the University of Bremen is participating in the “Der Zahn der Gezeiten – Maritime Schätze unter der Lupe” exhibition at the German Maritime Museum (DSM) in Bremerhaven for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. The opening is on August 19, 2018.

[Translate to English:] Frau spricht zu Studierenden

Flexible Adult Education with the LIFE Module Course

The University of Bremen is breaking new ground in adult education: with the LIFE module course, those interested can take part in selected modules from the courses on offer, sit examinations, and acquire credit points. Registrations can be submitted until September 15, 2018.

Professor Friedhelm Hase

Law Professor Appointed to Federal Joint Committee

Professor Friedhelm Hase, expert for health law at the University of Bremen, was appointed deputy chairman of the Federal Joint Committee in July. The committee decides on which specific care measures should be provided to those insured by statutory health insurance.

Building at the campus

Summer Universities Take a Gender-Critical Look at the Working Worlds of the Future

From August 6 to 24, 2018, the University of Bremen will host the international summer university for women students and professionals in engineering. On August 15, 2018, at 11 a.m., the public is invited to the theme day on gender policy and women in engineering in the MZH building, room 1470.

Junge Leute

Three Weeks’ Experience: Business and IT Students at Camp

Hard at work despite the heat: 54 students are currently involved in the second summer camp of the Faculty of Economics. For three weeks, 16 teams in 13 companies in Bremen are working on projects that were conceived together with the companies. The results will be presented on August 17.

ERC Starting Grant for Research on Sea Level Changes

Marine researcher Dr. Alessio Rovere from the University of Bremen has received the ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council. His project at the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences will receive almost 1.5 million euros in funding over five years beginning in 2019.

University of Bremen Conferences in August 2018

In August the University of Bremen organises conferences on learner corpus linguistics and on the connection between media didactics and diversity in teacher training.

areal image of a refinery

A Dream for the Future: “Flying with Green Fuel"

The Institute for Advanced Energy Systems (AES) in the Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen will coordinate a high-ranking joint project in energy research. Together with six partners, electricity-based green kerosene is to be brought one step closer to market launch.

Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter is standing in the campus park. You can see the MZH building in the background.

President of the University of Bremen on the Practices of Predatory Publishers

In recent weeks we have received several inquiries from the media regarding predatory publishing. ARD, Süddeutsche Zeitung and SPIEGEL have also addressed the problem. Journalists’ research shows that almost the entire German science system is affected by the machinations of predatory publishers.

Man working with his Laptop

Nationwide IT Security Study: Cyberattacks Continue to Increase

Cyberattacks in the form of fraudulent phishing mails and malware that can paralyze entire computer systems are continuing to increase. These are the findings of a nationwide IT security study conducted by researchers at the University of Bremen.

Es sind niele Zeitschriften nebeneinander zu sehen.

University of Bremen Warns Of Predatory Publishers

The media is currently addressing the practices of predatory publishers. Journalists’ research shows that almost the entire German science system is affected by the machinations of predatory publishers.

Three persons smiling

Manfred Fluß Becomes Sponsor and Honorary Citizen of the University

Manfred Fluß, former Senator, has been named as a Sponsor and honorary citizen of the University of Bremen for his decades of commitment. This is the eleventh time that the university has awarded this honor.

Zwei junge Frauen vor Grünpflanzen

Big Upswing in Public Research Funds for the University of Bremen

In the current DFG Funding Atlas for the period from 2014 to 2016, the University of Bremen is ranked 17th out of 430 German HEIs. It received 146.5 million euros from the DFG, improving by ten places compared to the previous ranking.

New Master’s Program: International Romance Studies

A new master’s study program will start at the University of Bremen at the beginning of the 2018/19 winter semester on October 1, 2018. The degree course is open admission and applications can be submitted until September 15, 2018.

Drawing with cat and mouse

Learning Languages in Summer

From July to September 2018, the Fremdsprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen (FZHB)  offers various courses to learn a new language, refresh your skills, take examinations, or prepare yourself linguistically for admission to a course of study. 

Group of young people

Soccer Robots from Bremen Take Second Place at the World Cup

The soccer robots from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) are runner-up world champions. They were also the clear winners in the additional penalty shootout event and the so-called Mixed Team Competition.

Eine junge Frau und ein junger Mann auf der Bühne.

The Final Curtain for the Parlement of Foules

Bidding adieu with a classic – the English-language theater group “Parlement of Foules” takes the stage of the Schnürschuh Theater one last time. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream (more or less...)” premieres on June 27, 2018, at 7 p.m.

Damaged Building

Research project wants to close the gaps in our knowledge of the GDR

Hurdles to modernization in the science and economy of the former GDR and their consequences in the transition to the Federal Republic of Germany: This is the topic of a collaborative research group led by Professor Jutta Günther in the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics.

Women with a white overall

Pesticides: Experts call for more stringent authorization procedures

Whether residues of pesticides in chicken eggs or crop protection products that threaten ecosystems and biodiversity: Many of these chemical substances have a damaging effect. Scientists are therefore calling for more extensive authorization procedures for pesticides.

Drei Männer und eine Frau im Labor

Cartoons reveal gender dynamics

Three cartoonists have been examining gender aspects in the STEM subjects on behalf of the Center for Equal Opportunities at the University of Bremen. On June 21, 2018 there will be a public showing of the cartoons in the LION building (Klagenfurter Straße 5).

Young wöman and young man smiling

KARL, the “ecorobot”, on show at CeBIT

KARL the ecorobot, is a personal digital assistant, designed to help consumers behave in a more environmentally friendly manner. A prototype is already available and waiting to be tried out by those interested – and the KARL team is looking for reinforcements.

Man and Woman sitting at a table

Dürrenmatt’s “Physiker” Premiers in Theater InCognito

The Theater InCognito (TIC) embedded in the Faculty of Cultural Studies is currently staging a classic piece: “Die Physiker” by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. The premier takes place on Tuesday, June 19 at 8 pm in the University of Bremen’s theater hall, which is adjacent to the Mensa.

EU Support Program “Horizon 2020”: What happens next?

“Horizon 2020”, the 8th EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation, will end soon. What happens next? Some 350 participants will come to the University of Bremen to discuss just this at the 30th KoWi Conference on EU Research and Innovation Funding. The event will take place from June 19 to 21


ONOC at the University of Bremen: Programming through the night

On June 15, 2018, students from the University of Bremen will once again be holding “Open Night of Code” – ONOC, for short. The event starts at 6 p.m. and is aimed at computer science students and all interested hobby programmers. You can be creative until the next morning. Admission is free.

Two Wome and a man smiling

Helga Grubitzsch wants to help young refugee women

Until 1988 Helga Grubitzsch taught French literature at the University of Bremen. Now, she has decreed that after her death a foundation for female refugees should be founded and held in trust at the University.

Democracy Workshop: Young people shape the future

During the summer holidays, the Center for Labor and Political Education (zap) at University of Bremen invites young people from the age of 15 to take part in the Democracy Workshop. The event hosting Bremen Youtuber Fabian Nolte will take place from July 23 to 27, 2018.

“Passion.” Is the motto of the 7th Bremer Start-Up Lounge

Passion is essential for start-up entrepreneurs: To be increasingly fascinated by an idea, to be able to motivate and to inspire others. "Passion." is therefore the motto of the 7th Bremer Start-Up Lounge, which takes place on Wednesday, June 6, 2018 at the University of Bremen.

Gruppenbild mit Männern vor Flugzeug

Scientists research Europe's largest source of methane

Scientists at the University of Bremen and the Free University of Berlin are measuring the spatial distribution of methane in the atmosphere at Europe's largest source of methane, the Upper Silesian coal district around Katowice, Poland. The aim is to enable the monitoring of this greenhouse gas.

The picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi is in the Hanseatic city on June 5, 2018 by invitation of the University of Bremen.

Picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi visits Bremen

The picture book artist and illustrator Tobias Krejtschi will be in the Hanseatic city on June 5, 2018. The Bremen Institute of Picture Book Research at the University of Bremen invited him to the workshop talk at 6 p.m. in the Kultur- und Bildungsverein Ostertor (KUBO). Admission is free.

[Translate to English:] Kunst

Science Meets Art: "Adding System to Coincidence"

New perspectives enhance the overview – the dissemination of science is no exception. On action day June 2, 2018, the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1232 "Colored States" at the University of Bremen and students of the Kunstschule Wandsbek will be taking a look at the research done in the CRC.


University of Bremen is Still Looking for Rooms for International Guests on its Summer Course

120 students are expected to arrive on campus in July. Bremen residents who want to host a guest can register at the foreign language center.

Zwei Männer und zwei Frauen lächeln in die Kamera

Successful Reusable Cups: Student Invitation to Join the Crowd-Funding Campaign

"Cup2date" is a successful project run by Bremen students of Economics. The idea to supply 28 bakeries and cafés with returnable cups for “coffee to go” has attracted keen interest. Now the team needs support from a crowd-funding campaign.

Group of men and women sitting at a table

For a Competitive, Innovative and United Europe

Seven young universities belonging to the YERUN network have joined forces under the name of YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – in order to participate in an EU pilot funding call for European university networks. The University of Bremen is on board.


Digital Neighborhood Guide for Walks in Hemelingen

The digital neighborhood guide for senior citizens has been in operation for several months now. It was developed by the Institute for Information Management (ifib) at the University of Bremen. Initially only for the Bremen suburb of Osterholz, as of May 28, 2018, it will also include Hemelingen.

Porträtbild Simone Scherger

SOCIUM Professor Is Appointed to the Government’s Pension Commission

Professor Simone Scherger of the University of Bremen‘s SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy has been appointed a member of the German Government’s pension commission.

Screen with numbers

New Master's with the Specialization “Digital Society” Starts

The master’s program “Digital Media and Society” will soon start at the University of Bremen’s Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI). Unique in Germany, it is marked by a pronounced interdisciplinary approach and an innovative study program.

Hand mit Smartphone vor dunklem Hintergrund

DFG supports Development of Innovative Research Software

One of the focuses set at the University of Bremen’s Center for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) is on the development of research software. The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding further development of the project with over 700,000 euro.

building at the campus

SuUB Exhibition on an Important Personality of the Enlightenment

On May 17, the Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen (SuUB-Bremen State and University Library) opens an exhibition on Justus Möser. It documents the life and work of the politician and publicist, who in the 18th century was considered one of the most important personalities in Northwest Germany.

Menschen ziehen einen Schlitten durch den Schnee, dahinter ein Pferd

New Theatrical Reading: Journey into Ice

“Out of the files, onto the stage”, a cooperation between the University of Bremen and the bremer shakespeare company, goes into its twelfth round. “Vom Eis gebissen – Im Eis vergraben” will premiere on May 23 in the German Maritime Museum and on May 28 in the Theater am Leibnizplatz.


Sensor Technology to Save Miners’ Lives

The Center for Computing and Communication Technology at the University of Bremen is cooperating with Wits University in South Africa on the development of sensors designed to reveal the location of miners who go missing underground.

Personen unterhalten sich an einem Stehtisch.

Information day for prospective students

On Wednesday May 16, prospective students are invited to come to the University of Bremen to learn about studying here. The information day for prospective students is a chance to learn about the University’s bachelor's degree programs and the law degree program.

zwei Männer schütteln sich die Hände

Professor Thomas Hoffmeister Appointed Vice President Academics for Another 4-year Term

“I dream that we will be visible in excellent teaching,” said Professor Thomas Hoffmeister at his re-election as Vice President Academics at the University of Bremen. The Academic Senate has now reappointed him in this capacity for four more years.

Young students are writing in their exercise books

Ten Years of School Consensus in Bremen

Ten years of school consensus in Bremen is the topic of an event to be held in the Überseemuseum from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, 2018. Lectures will deal with the most important results of an evaluation of the structural school reform in Bremen.

CHE Ranking 2018: Excellent Results

The University of Bremen has performed excellently in the current CHE Ranking 2018. Numerous subjects are in the lead in some areas - sometimes several times. Students also give high marks to the university.


National Contact Point for Research-Data Management

To improve the management of research data, the German Research Foundation is prolonging funding of the project Deutsche Föderation für Biologische Daten (GFBio) in an amount of 4.3 million euro. Project coordinator is the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen.

National data service center for social research

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding an infrastructure project titled QUALISERVICE at the University of Bremen’s SOCIUM Research Center for Inequality and Social Policy with one million euro. The goal is to implement a national data service center for qualitative social science data.

Group of two men and two women

Association passes the baton on to the University of Bremen Foundation

The association FEAV – Bremer Frauen- Erwerbs- und Ausbildungsverein – is closing down. Its mission, though, will live on. In future, its century-and-a-half tradition will be continued under the umbrella of the University of Bremen Foundation. 

Junge steht vor dem Bildschirm. Ein weiterer schaut ihm zu

Register now! University of Bremen Summer Academy for High-school Students 

From the 2nd to 6th July, 2018, senior high-school students (gymnasiale Oberstufe) once again have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of science and research. It’s possible to register up to 15th June. The event is supported by the Sparkasse Bremen banking institute.

Robots on a football pitch

RoboCup German Open 2018: B-Human Comes Third

At the RoboCup German Open, the Team B-Human “trained” by the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) took third place in the Standard Platform League. Of the 32 goals scored in seven games, the reigning world champion conceded only one.

Group of men and women

CAMPUS AWARD for Natalie Prinz and Jann Lasse Grönemeyer

On Thursday, 19 April 2018, the CAMPUS AWARD: Research for a Sustainable Future was awarded to two young researchers from Bremen. The award in the master’s thesis category went to Natalie Prinz. Jann Lasse Grönemeyer was honoured by the University of Bremen for his dissertation. 

Zwei junge Menschen, Mann und Frau, lächeln in die Kamera

Support for Bremen Early Career Researchers from the Funding Initiative “digital.engagiert”

May I introduce myself: KARL, the eco-robot – one day, this personal digital assistant will help make consumers more aware of the environment. Kirsten Hillebrand, a research associate in business administration at the University of Bremen, developed KARL together with master student Hendrik Hinrichs

zwei Studierende in einem Laden in Namibia

How Bremen Students Stimulate Projects in Namibia

Students of economics gave support to start-up entrepreneurs in Namibia during a three-week project. They presented the results of their work on site at the Bokamoso Start-up Center in Windhoek with great success, and will now write master's theses on them.

Group of men and women

"Appsolutely Competent": University of Bremen project wins competition

The Center for Labor and Political Education at the University of Bremen (zap) is among the winners in the university competition in celebration of Science Year 2018 – Working Life of the Future “Show Your Research!”. The focus: How can science help to shape the working life of tomorrow?

[Translate to English:] Buch vor dem Eingang zur Uni.

University of Bremen a Winner in the Competition “Eine Uni – ein Buch”

The team of the University of Bremen convinced the jury of the initiative launched by the Stifterverband with its concept based on the book by Sven Beckert titled “King Cotton. Eine Geschichte des globalen Kapitalismus“.

Old books are lying on a table

“Looted Books”: Georgia returns long lost books to the University Library

A welcome development for the Bremen State and University Library: Seven historic books thought lost since the Second World War have now been unexpectedly returned to Bremen via the German Embassy in Tbilisi (Georgia). After a thorough restoration, they will find a place in the library’s historical

Man with glaces is looking in the camera. llustrations are around him.

The University of Bremen Yearbook Celebrates Its Anniversary 

“20 Years of the Future” – that is the title of the new issue of the University of Bremen’s Yearbook, which this year appears for the twentieth time. What expectations did people closely connected to our University have over the past twenty years? How did they experience the time from 1997 to 2007?

In the Interest of the Health and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents

The Institute Labor and Economy (iaw), a cooperation of the University of Bremen and the Chamber of Labour Bremen, has started work on the European Cohort Development Project (ECDP). The project is preparing a Europe-wide long-term study that investigates the well-being of children.

Important Award: Lutz Mädler receives the ERC Advanced Grant

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded an ERC Advanced Grant to Lutz Mädler, a professor at the University of Bremen and head of the Department of Process Engineering at the Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering – IWT. The award is endowed with 2.5 million euro.

Hände mit Geld

Balance Sheet for the Crowd: Small Investor Protection Act in Focus

Does the Kleinanlegerschutzgesetz (Small Investor Protection Act) keep its promise to protect private individuals from risky investments? In order to find out, the research group led by professor Lars Hornuf from the University of Bremen will collect and evaluate market data for an expert opinion.

Portrait Stephan Leibfried

Mourning for Stephan Leibfried

The University of Bremen mourns Professor Stephan Leibfried. “It was a great shock to learn about his sudden death. He leaves a big gap. As an outstanding scientist, he was instrumental in the success of our university”, says Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, President of the University of Bremen.

Mann hält ein Plakat vor das fahrende Auto

“Important steps towards automated driving"

The future of mobility lies in automated and connected driverless automobiles – and the University of Bremen is making a major contribution to the extensive research and development going into the new technologies. The project “AO-Car” has just presented initial results.

Luftaufnahme einer Stadt mit Flugzeugflügel im Vordergrund

Research aircraft over Asia

Under the scientific leadership of the University of Bremen, a research aircraft belonging to the German Aerospace Center is currently measuring the air quality of major Asian cities. The aim is to better understand the effects of urban air pollution on the Earth's atmosphere.

[Translate to English:] Gletscher

Glacier mass loss: past the point of no return

Researchers from the Universities of Bremen and Innsbruck show in a recent study that the further melting of glaciers cannot be prevented in the current century - even if all emissions were stopped now.

Network of 18 European Universities Comes to Bremen to Discuss Future Strategy

High-ranking visit to the University of Bremen: Friday, March 16, the University of Bremen is hosting the annual general meeting of the Young European Research Universities (YERUN). The meeting is to discuss further steps of cooperation between the 18 member universities from 12 European countries

Gruppe von fünf Frauen und einem Mann

Promotion of women – in concrete terms! Financial support, mentoring and coaching

Together with leading members of the Faculty and the Dean's Office, the five-woman team of women's representatives in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Bremen has come up with a program to help female students decide on careers in academia.

Gruppe von 5 Frauen

Between Revolt and Repression: Women’s Movements in Turkey

On the eighth of March, International Women’s Day, women are taking to the streets for their rights. In Turkey, the women's movements are a major force for social change. A study by researchers at the University of Bremen now gives an insight.

Mond im All

Microbial life on Saturn moon possible

Microorganisms from the group of the Archaea would also feel comfortable on the Saturn moon Enceladus. This is revealed in a study in which a Bremen geoscientist is involved. The results have now been published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications.

Sticker on a BUS

Self-determined mobility for handicapped persons

Personal mobility and being able to move around independently of others is hardly possible for many people with physical disabilities. The project “adamo” of the BIBA - Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics at the University of Bremen is now working on solutions to this problem.

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Bremen physicists enable energy-efficient nanolaser

Physicists from the University of Bremen are part of an international team of researchers who have managed to develop a highly energy-efficient nanolaser. It took Hanseatic expertise to make it possible to detect the microscopically small light emissions.

Zwei Männer lächeln in die Kamera

Andreas Breiter re-elected as vice president

On February 21, 2018, the Academic Senate of the University of Bremen re-elected Andreas Breiter to the post of Vice President. At the same time, his area of responsibility has grown. He is now the University’s Vice-President for Research, Young Academics and Transfer.

Junge Menschen sitzen in einer Gruppe und schauen auf ein Mobiltelefon

Unsuspecting facebook Users: Survey reveals ignorance about the handling of personal data

A recent study by the Faculty of Law at the University of Bremen leaves no doubt: 99% of facebook users are not aware of the conditions they have actually consented to in connection with the handling of their personal data on the Internet.

[Translate to English:] Papier wird bearbeitet

Crystal Clear: Papyri in the SuUB Get a New Look

The State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) has a collection of 84 papyri. Now the precious documents on the antique writing material – a forerunner of the paper we know today – are having the glass in their display frames replaced. Over the next few weeks, visitors to the library can learn about

Situation im Labor, Mann schaut durch Datenbrille

Bremen Scientists Open Joint Research Lab with Partners in Bangkok

The Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science at the University of Bremen has been cooperating with the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies of Mahidol University in Bangkok for some time. Now they have established a joint research laboratory in Thailand.

Mat4Rail: EU Research Project on the Railway of the Future

Researchers from the University of Bremen and the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials Research (IFAM) are involved in the EU program Mat4Rail. Together with 16 partners from seven European countries, they are working on new developments in railway technology.

[Translate to English:] Frau an Laptop mit Kind

“konstruktiv”: Flexibility is trumps!

They have jobs or want to study despite family responsibilities; they are returnees or have university degrees awarded abroad: Some examples of the people addressed by the “konstruktiv” project of the University of Bremen since 2014. Thanks to renewed funding, the project can now be continued.

Lecture hall with students and speaker

The First Bremen Ocean Day at the University of Bremen

Around 500 senior high-school students attended the first Bremer Ocean Day. This meant the event held at the University of Bremen in the auditorium building on the Uni Boulevard was fully booked. Expert researchers held four lectures to bring their work to life.

TOP Meldungen|

Researching the LED Wallpaper of the Future

Physicists from the University of Bremen have made a major breakthrough in understanding novel atomic thin materials that can be used, for example, to affix efficient flexible displays on curved surfaces. The results were recently published by the renowned journal “Nature Communications".

TOP Meldungen|

Neighborhood guides – with everything the elderly need!

In the frame of an EU project that specifically targets elderly citizens, the Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib) at the University of Bremen has come up with a digital neighborhood guide: Among other things, it displays walking paths, benches and meeting points.

Five Graduates Awarded the Bremen Study Prize

The “unifreunde” society of friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University and the company Bruker Daltonik GmbH presented the 2017 Bremen Study Awards in the prestigious atmosphere of the Upper Town Hall.

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3.8 million Euro for the Electricity Grids of Tomorrow

Offshore wind energy is on everyone's lips when it comes to securing future energy supplies, and the need for research in this area is acute. Increasingly, the state of Bremen is seen to possess the requisite technical expertise.

Uni-Logo an der Glashalle
TOP Meldungen|

Two new Humboldt Scholarships

The University of Bremen is pleased to welcome two new guest researchers from Russia: The research stays for Professor Galina Zelenina and Dr. Roman Frolov are being funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The foundation promotes international cooperation among excellent researchers.

Zwei Männer lächeln in die Kamera
TOP Meldungen|

„Nœrdman“ explains the internet

“Nœrdman” explains the world of the internet to his environment: What are Instagram and Snapchat? Is Google the internet? The “Nœrdman” is a cartoon character who combines a passion for technology with North German humor. Every Monday, a new comic about technology, nerds and the north appears.

Drei Männer sitzen am Tisch und unterzeichnen ein Dokument

Leibniz Insitute enters U Bremen Research Alliance

The research network “U Bremen Research Alliance” has been strengthened by a new member: The Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering - IWT (Leibniz-IWT for short) has also recently been added. The research alliance now therefore comprises twelve members: eleven non-university research institutio