(Senior) Researcher & (Senior) Lecturer
Academic Career Paths in the Mid-Level Sector
With the job categories (Senior) Lecturer and (Senior) Researcher, the University of Bremen offers academics permanent positions in the academic mid-level sector, independent of a professorship. The potential target group for positions as Lecturer or Researcher are early career academics with a doctorate and some initial experience as a postdoc. After a tenure phase, which is limited to four years, a successful evaluation leads to permanent employment as a Senior Researcher and Senior Lecturer.
Important links, downloads and contact person
Ellen Laurer
Institution Dezernat Akademische Angelegenheiten (Dez 1),
Institution Hochschulentwicklungsplanung (HEP)
E-Mail: ellen.laurerprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de