Non-overlapping Programs of Study

Coordinated program schedules allow completion of studies within the normal timeframe!

The University of Bremen coordinates programs that encompass several subjects, so that about 70% of all possible subject combinations can be studied without any overlap, allowing completion of studies within the normal timeframe. However, the University of Bremen is still unable to provide a guarantee for this, as both room and teaching capacities are limited.

With regard to planning, non-overlapping offers, the subjects coordinate their timetables and design programs.


Any questions?

Subject Groups

Subjects are assigned to one of three subject groups. The subjects of a subject group place their courses in the same time window. A combination of two subjects from different subject groups can therefore be studied without overlap within the normal period of study. Of course, you can also choose two subjects from the same subject group. However, this may involve some overlap and extend the normal duration of studies.

Subject Group ASubject Group BSubject group C
  • Biology
  • German Studies
  • Media  and Communication Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Public Health
  • Law (KF)
  • Hispanic Studies
  • Study of Religion/Religious Education (PF/KF) (until summer semester 2025)
  • Economics (KF)
  • English-Speaking Cultures/English
  • Educational Sciences (PF/KF)(until summer semester 2025)
  • History
  • Art - Media - Aesthetic Education
  • Linguistics / Language Sciences
  • Music Education
  • Musicology
  • Physics
  • Political Science
  • Study of Religion/Religious Education (teacher education) (until summer semester 2025)
  • Sports
  • Interdisciplinary Science Education
  • Chemistry
  • Educational Sciences (PF/KF) (from winter semester 2025/26)
  • Franco-Romance Studies
  • Geography
  • Computer Science (KF)
  • Inclusive Education*
  • Mathematics for Elementary Teachers*
  • Social/Cultural Anthropology and Cultural Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Study of Religion/Religious Education** (PF/KF and teacher education) (from winter semester 2025/26)

PF: major subject, KF: minor subject (two-subject Bachelor's degree)

*Inclusive Education and Mathematics for Elementary Teachers as a so-called "small subject" in teacher education can be studied without overlap. Overlap-free courses with Mathematics for Elementary Teachers as a so-called "large subject" may be possible. If you have any questions, please contact the study centers.

**Study of Religion/Religious Education cannot be studied without overlap with Inclusive Education. If you have any questions, please contact the study centers.

Please note!

  • In the two-subject Bachelor's degree, the major subject can be combined with any minor subject (but there may be overlapping courses if you choose programs that belong to the same subject group).
  • In teacher eductaion, you are bound to the subject combinations for the respective teaching profession .
  • If you choose two subjects within languages, there is an overlap between stays abroad and school internships in the Bachelor's degree. We recommend an early counseling in the study center.