
Working together for your academic success
With us at your side, you will acquire, develop, and apply interdisciplinary techniques and methods that you can use to plan, carry out and successfully complete your studies. We offer support in every phase of your studies in your bachelor’s or master’s degree program.
We support you with techniques and methods in the following key areas:
- Academic work and writing
- Study organization and exam preparation
- Learning at university
- Communication, moderation and presentation
- Peer2Peer learning and collaborative work
You can earn ECTS/CP in General Studies in all courses.
ECTS/CP in General Studies
At the start of the semester, we will offer you a comprehensive programme, either digitally or in person, in which you can acquire ECTS/CP in General Studies. The Studierwerkstatt seminars are still free of charge.
Please register for the desired course via Stud.IP and be sure to confirm your registration by e-mail when you are asked to do so - only then will the seminar places be allocated according to the order in which the emails arrive. You will then receive all further information about the seminar from the respective lecturer by email.
Please cancel instead of just missing the workshop!
If you are unable to attend one of our workshops that you have booked, please cancel immediately by sending a short email to stwkprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.
If you cancel early, we can still fill the free place from our waiting list. We depend on your reliability and commitment to ensure good planning of our workshop program's content, methodology, and financial aspects.
On behalf of the students on the waiting list, we would like to thank you for your cooperation and look forward to the joint learning process in our workshops!
The requirements for the acquisition of ECTS/CP can be viewed here.