Become a sponsor

The scholarship

To educate students who are ready to deal with future challenges is one of the University of Bremen’s core duties. The "Deutschlandstipendium" supports those engaged personalities.

One half from the federal government, the other half from you.

The national scholarship programme offers the possibility to support students with a scholarship of 300 Euro per month. Private sponsors provide 150 Euro and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research provides another 150 Euro. This means that a one-year scholarship is made possible from a sponsor contribution of 1800 Euro.

Who is being supported?

The scholarship is awarded to students with excellent academic performances. Furthermore, social commitment is taken into account, as well as personal circumstances, like care-work or a migration background ...

Your possibilities

It is possible to donate one or several scholarships (1800 Euro/year). The funding period is determined by you, it can be one or several years. With a commitment of at least three years, you have the opportunity to support students from departments of your choice. A regular or one-time donation also helps to support our students.

[Translate to English:] Menschen unterhalten sich.
[Translate to English:] Drei Personen an einem Stehtisch unterhalten sich.
[Translate to English:] Zwei Förderinnen des Deutschlandstipendiums

Your advantages:


You take over responsibility for the scientific education of young people.


You support the employees of tomorrow and students who are highly talented and committed.


You get to know the students personally.


You present yourself as an attractive employer and you strengthen your network.



Your donation is tax-deductible and doubled by the federal government.







Dr. Jasmin Overberg
Kooperationen & Förderbeziehungen

Tel. 0421-218-60333
eMail: email

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Universität Bremen
Deutsche Bundesbank
DE21 2500 0000 0025 1015 44
Spende Deutschlandstipendium Fonds 83000051

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