Citizen science

Citizen participation in science with Citizen Science
Citizen science is the term used to describe cooperation between citizens and scientists. Citizen science represents a platform in which particularly active participation of interested laypersons with specialised knowledge in research is possible. Citizens can expand the current state of research with data they have collected themselves or develop and realise projects in cooperation with scientists. The voluntary commitment of the citizens also benefits the researchers - thus creating a mutual benefit.

What is social cohesion?
The citizen science project GINGER is aimed at anyone who is interested in social issues and social science research. The aim is to investigate the phenomenon of social cohesion together with you. You can research your own questions about the phenomenon of "social cohesion" individually or in groups. Overall, it is possible to collect data yourself (e.g. in the form of self-conducted interviews and storytelling), evaluate and interpret it in dialogue with researchers and prepare and communicate it for the public, both inside and outside the scientific community. Participation in individual research steps is also possible.

How does good care work?
Together with citizens and the kvhs Ammerland gGmbH, the SOCIUM Research Centre on Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen is conducting research into the conditions for the success of good home and inpatient care.
The project Be WIZZARD - Citizens develop scientific initiative to secure the future of Ammerland's resilience and services of general interest - is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the guideline for funding citizen science projects.
Biodiversity in the city
As part of Biodiverse Cities, nature-based solutions are to be developed as examples in 5 pilot cities - including Bremen. Innovative methods such as spatial experimentation and social design will be used to involve local populations in the project, with the aim of achieving extensive participation and even co-production of individual measures. In order to integrate biodiversity criteria into urban planning, urban development and investments, the project aims to go beyond conventional practices. The sub-project in Bremen focuses on the densely populated and culturally diverse neighbourhood of Gröpelingen and is being carried out in cooperation with the Gröpelingen Research Workshop of the Institute for Ethnology and Cultural Studies (IfEK).
moreStone collecting for the advanced
The Geosciences Collection of the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Bremen offers interested citizens access to geology, palaeontology and mineralogy through exhibitions, excursions, lectures and regular meetings to exchange experiences. Furthermore, citizens can receive advice on finds or instructions for their own scientific work or donate material to the collections. The involvement of individual citizens in a variety of projects is a great benefit for science.