Zentrum für Netze (ZfN)

  • Zentrum für Netze (ZfN)

    The Zentrum für Netze (ZfN, "Center for Networks") operates the campus data network including WLAN, central server services and the university's identity management.

Your Uni-Account

The university account is the key to central IT services such as e-mail, WLAN and the Stud.IP learning platform. Students receive the account data automatically after enrolment, all other members of the university can apply for an university account online.

Forgot your password? You can reset your password online with a security question.

You can find out more about your university account on the following pages:




The employees and students of the University of Bremen are provided with a comprehensive wireless network (WLAN). Guests from various other universities can use this WLAN with eduroam



For access to the services and resources of the university and the SuUB from outside (e.g. in the home office) you need VPN access. You can find more information on how to set this up here.


News from the ZfN

Restricted IT operations 2.8.-5.8.2024 (Update)

Due to necessary work on the power supply of the university's IT housing center, part of the university IT will not be available. The central IT services (e-mail, Stud.IP, Nextcloud) are largely unaffected. On the ZfN side, only backup.zfn.uni-bremen.de will be shut down.

Account Administration

Account Administration office hours:
Tue. 09:00 - 11:00
Thu. 13:00 - 15:00
Room SFG 1340

accountprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

WiFi Support

Appointments over Scheduler
Learnroom SFG Building, level 1, ZfN, room 1200/10

E-Mail: wlan@uni-bremen.de
Telephone: (0421) 218-61332

User helpdesk

Currently no
personal appointments!

+49 421 218-61331
benutzerberatungprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Central IT services

Website hosting, server housing, central server for email and databases:
campusserverprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Responsibilities of the ZfN

The Zentrum für Netze operates the campus network and the central IT services as well as the university's identity management. Furthermore, it is responsible for the support and training of users, the operation of the central computer pools for courses and for the management and issuing software licenses.