ScienceChat: Ecological Seminar and Discussion Series

  • Career Symposium

    more Info below

  • Introducing Science Chat

    Science Chat is a BYRD (Bremen Early Research Development) funded doc-network. It was founded in 2016 by PhD students in the field of ecology at the University of Bremen. We aim to facilitate exchange between the working groups of ecology, as well as to organize subject-specific lectures and workshops. Science Chat meetings are especially aimed at PhD students in the field of ecology. However, all interested students, post-docs and research assistants of University of Bremen are invited to participate. The Science Chat usually takes place during the semester at two-week intervals, Monday at 1 pm. We meet online or in room 1060 of BIOM. Further information on the specific content will be announced.

Future events

01. January 202431. December 2024

June 2024
Invited speaker: Dongik Chang
Location: BIOM, 1060
"Imaging approaches to study a very unusual case of grain beetle-bacteria symbiosis"

(Dongik Chang, Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology)

Follow the link below to see the abstract :)

Symposium: Career Perspectives for Graduate and Undergraduate Biologists

Wondering what to do and where to go after getting your Master's Degree or PhD? Then come to our Science Chat Career Symposium on Monday 24 June at 13:15!

We invited guest speakers who will give an overview of career paths and their experiences in building a career inside and outside of academia, in Germany and abroad. Come along and enjoy the talks, ask questions or be inspired! We will conclude the symposium with a BBQ (bring your own food and drinks, we just provide the grills; the BBQ takes place next to the BIOM Building). Everyone is welcome, regardless of your current academic status!

Note! Due to limited seating capacity of our seminar room, we ask you to register following the link:
Register for Symposium: "Career Perspectives for Graduate and Undergraduate Biologists"

And follow the link below to see our speakers and the program :)


If you are interested to give a presentation at the ScienceChat, please use the Typeform registration to send us your title and a short abstract. The registration form can be found here:


>> Get registered here <<