Molecular Genetics

  • Prof. Rita Groß-Hardt carries a tray of Arabidopsis to be used for a polyspermy experiment.

    The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana

    The thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana is an important model plant in molecular biology.

  • Prof. Rita Groß-Hardt removes Anthers to cross pollen from two fathers on one female stigma.

    Micromanipulation at the binocular

    For the crossing of plants, the stamens, in which the sperm cells develop, are removed. In this way, self-fertilization is prevented.

  • Dr. Yanbo Mao and Dr. Thomas Nakel analyse a DNA gel to verify the inheritance of three parents.

    The molecular genetics Lab

    Analysis of DNA Fragments via gel electrophoresis.

  • Dr. Isil Erbasol and Dr. Dawit Tekleyohans examine an ovule that was microinjected with a fluorescent dye.

    Microinjection of female gametophytes

    Examination of an ovule into which a fluorescent dye was injected.

Our Research Focus

Scientific focuses of our laboratory are:

  • Plant reproduction with a focus on polyspermy and the regulation of paternal contribution: more
  • 3PaTec (3P-Tec) - Three parents one plant: more
  • Mitochondrial codes and communication: more
Portrait photo Prof. Dr. Rita Groß-hardt
Prof. Dr. Rita Groß-Hardt


Prof.Dr. Rita Groß-Hardt

Phone +49 421 218 50203

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Funding Sources

We are grateful for financial support by: