Jana Instinske, M.Sc.

Bild von Jana Instinske

Research assistant

Address: Grazer Strasse 2c, Room 1210, 28359 Bremen

PO box: 330440, 28334 Bremen, Germany


Email: instinske [at] uni-bremen.de

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-68772


Jana Instinske completed her Bachelor's degree in Psychology at the University of Bremen in 2020 and her Master's degree in 2022. During her studies, she worked as a tutor for Psychological Diagnostics and Evaluation as part of the master’s program in psychology and as a student assistant at the Department of Psychology in the lab on Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment.

Since her graduation, she is working as a research assistant in the Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment Lab of the Department of Psychology at the University of Bremen, specifically in the research project TwinLife.

In the course of her PhD, Jana Instinske explores the conceptualization of personality characteristics that are associated with a functional self-concept and (core) self-evaluations.

One focus of Jana Instinske’s research is on the conceptualization of personality constructs within the personality system as rather core or surface characteristics. This involves, for instance, deciphering the genetic and environmental sources of individual differences and investigating the (drivers of) stability and change in personality characteristics over time.

Methodologically, Jana Instinske places a particular emphasis on structural equation modeling for the analysis of twin-, longitudinal-, and multi-modal data.

In September 2023, Jana Instinske received the Award for an Outstanding Thesis, awarded by the Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology, and Psychological Assessment (DPPD) Section of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) for her master's thesis under the title Are There Common Genetic Sources of Core Self-Evaluations? A Multivariate Analysis of Twin Data.

Publications:  Publications_Jana_Instinske