Bachelor project/Master project: Degradation of inert organic wastewater constituents using the tree fungus Trametes versicolor

The project is based on a biocatalytic process for the treatment of organic carbon compounds that are difficult to degrade, such as those found in wastewaters from the food industry (coffee, bakery products). In many cases these compounds can only be degraded insufficiently with conventional aerobic processes (activated sludge process). Technologically, the concept is based on the enzymatic oxidation of organic carbon compounds with the help of white rot fungi (e.g. Trametes versicolor). T. versicolor naturally produces and secretes the enzyme laccase for lignin degradation. Laccase catalyzes the oxidation of poorly degradable substances with atmospheric oxygen, possibly via a mediator also secreted by the white rot fungus. Initial studies with isolated laccase are already available and show promising results.
In the course of the bachelor or master project, laboratory experiments on the degradation of selected wastewater constituents are to be carried out.
German / Engilsh
Period of time:
6 months
Beginning from:
to be agreed in consultation
Group size:
max. 3 persons
Prof. Dr.-Ing habil. Sven Kerzenmacher –
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