Judith Maschke M.A.
Researcher and member of the research group Social-ecological Governance & Justice
- Sustainable Consumption
- Education for Sustainable Development
- Sufficiency
- Governance
Baasch, S., Maschke, J., & Buhk, J. (2024). An (in-)just transition? Sociotechnical imaginaries of the "green" hydrogen and steel transition in Bremen, Germany, Futures 164, 103489, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2024.103489
Maschke, J. (2022). Veränderungen im Stromverbrauch durch die Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien. Zum Einfluss von Rebound-Effekten auf den Stromverbrauch. Umweltpsychologie 26(1), 54-62.
Maschke, J. (2022). Folgen der eigenen Erzeugung und Nutzung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Ressourcen für den privaten Energiekonsum. Bremen: artec-paper Nr. 230.
Changes in the private energy consumption through the use and the production of electricity from renewable resources. 5th Energy & Society Conference, Online (Universitá di Trento), 10.02.2021.
MOVER – (Miss)Erfolgsfaktoren organisierter Verbraucherteilhabe. Lunch-Talk, Online (BMJV), 02.09.2021.
Changes in the energy consumption of private households due to the production and the use of renewable energies. MAPEX Symposium, Online (Universität Bremen), 30.09.2021.
Use of renewable energies and rebound-effects in electricity consumption. SIET Conference, Online (TU Delft), 18.11.2021.
Rebound-effects in electricity consumption due to the production and the use of renewable energies. Artec Kolloquium, Online (Universität Bremen), 02.02.2022.
since 01/2023
Research assistant at the artec Sustainability Research Center, BMBF-project “Hydrogen for Bremen´s industrial Transformation (hyBit)"
Research assistant at the Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development (WWU Münster), BMUV-projects “RetourenSenkung im Online-Handel – Lösungsansätze zur Gestaltung nachhaltigeren Verbraucherverhaltens (Resolve)“ and „(Miss)Erfolgsfaktoren Organisierter Verbraucherteilhabe (Mover)“
Research Assistant at the artec Sustainability Research Center, BMBF-project “Cooperation of cities and surrounding areas for climate resilience: Governance innovations for the combined use of biomass and waste heat for energy provision (KlimaInnoGovernance)”
since 02/2017
Teamer (in training) for Education for Sustainable Development, promoted by the voluntary service kulturweit (German UNESCO-Committee)
03/2016 – 08/2018
Master of Arts “Politics and Sustainability”, Master Thesis: “Effects of a Voluntary Service on the Sustainable Consumption of Former Participants – Using the Example of the Voluntary Service kulturweit”
10/2012 – 09/2015
Bachelor of Arts “Political Science and Ethnology”, Bachelor Thesis: “The effectiveness of the WHO in case of the outbreak of diseases”
University of Bremen
Sustainability Research Center
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7
28359 Bremen
mail address:
Postfach 33 04 40
28334 Bremen
Phone +49 (0) 421 / 218-61813
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