ISATEC - International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology
study profile in the M.Sc. Marine Biology programme

The international M.Sc. study programme ISATEC was originally established at the University of Bremen in collaboration with the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT). ISATEC prepares young professionals for research and practical work related to the management and conservation of tropical aquatic ecosystems and their resources. The courses are taught in English and follow the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The programme has been evaluated thrice (in 2002, 2007 and 2015) and was thereby qualified as “unique and very well-focused”.
From winter term 2020/2021 onwards, the M.Sc. programmes ISATEC and Marine Biology have been merged to form a single M.Sc. programme. ISATEC is a specific study profile in the revised M.Sc. Marine Biology programme.
ISATEC is a member of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship programme “Development-Related Postgraduate Courses” (EPOS). If you are a citizen of a developing country, you may thus apply for a scholarship for the ISATEC profile through the DAAD.
Main objectives of ISATEC
- To understand the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems in the tropics.
- To learn about theoretical concepts and methods for resource assessment and evaluation.
- To learn approaches for coastal planning and management.
By studying ISATEC-specific courses in the M.Sc. Marine Biology curriculum, participants of the ISATEC profile will become experts in the field of tropical aquatic ecosystem research and will learn ways to reconcile use and conservation of aquatic ecosystems in the tropics. They will be equipped to join or conduct multidisciplinary research or management teams working in tropical coastal zones or freshwater systems as well as to continue university studies (PhD) in the areas of aquatic ecology or integrated coastal zone management.

Performance and Success
Since the start in 1999, more than 330 students from 62 countries of all continents have graduated in ISATEC. Many of those are now working in important labour positions in their home countries and several of them have stayed in close collaboration with the ZMT and the University of Bremen.
ISATEC alumni are organized in the ZMT Alumni Network, an outstanding scientific network of more than 800 alumni from the tropics and worldwide. International and regional alumni events, biannual newsletters, as well as a LinkedIn group provide opportunities for information gathering, knowledge exchange and networking.
Moving Pictures - ISATEC
Our former student Selma Mezger has produced a short video about ISATEC as part of the “EPOS Programmes in Moving Pictures” training which was conducted by the University of Bonn, the United Nations University and Deutsche Welle, Bonn for students from EPOS funded programmes.
Chairman of the ISATEC Examination Board
Prof. Dr. Kai Bischof
BreMarE - Bremen Marine Ecology Center for Research & Education
ISATEC Coordination
Dr. Oliver Janssen-Weets
University of Bremen FB 02 / ISATEC
Leobener Str. NW2
28359 Bremen
You can apply for the programme together with a DAAD scholarship.
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