Space-Based Geoengineering
Countering climate change from space? Together with OHB, the Bremen-based space company, and other international institutions from space and environmental research, the Theoretical Philosophy Department of the University of Bremen is part of a consortium on the topic of space-based geoengineering. We discuss in an open-ended way to what extent we can and should counter climate change from space.
Philosophy does not ask how geoengineering can be implemented concretely, but asks why in terms of general theoretical and societal frameworks. The concrete research on feasibility is thus reflected and placed in a larger context. The focus lies on the interdisciplinary exchange, without the influence of further interest groups. We investigate which metaphors and analogies are used in the context of geoengineering and solar-radiation management ("framing"). What kind of understanding of the Earth emerges from these? To what extent do these frames influence our acceptance of geoengineering? And what do they reveal about our relationship to nature? Future projects could address the question of whether we simply want to outsource our problems on Earth to space; or the question of how such consortium work actually requires and enables interactions and exchanges between disciplines ("genuine" interdisciplinarity) - as opposed to a mere stringing together of individual scientific competencies ("assembly line" multidisciplinarity).
- Nebling, R. (2022): Warum Framing beim Thema Geoengineering eine Rolle spielt. OHB Magazin (EngineeringOurEarth Teil 6).

Norman Sieroka
Institution Philosophie (Phil)
Building/room: SFG 4190
Phone: +49 (0)421 218 67830
E-Mail: sierokaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de