OT-ST-WS-05 | How to write a data management plan?
Registration closed
Prof. Dr. Frank-Oliver Glöckner, Dr. Ivaylo Kostadinov, Jimena Linares, Tanja Weibulat

Research data is constantly increasing in size and complexity. Besides new discovery opportunities, this also brings new challenges in managing the data. Some of the key aspects are the possibility to integrate data across scientific domains and to describe and publish the data in a way that makes it reusable for future generations of scientists. Interest in this is also shared by the funding agencies and the general public. Like any successful venture, good data management starts with a plan, a Data Management Plan, which outlines in detail what data will be produced, how it will be handled, preserved and shared.
The participants will get:
A general introduction to Research Data Management (RDM), covering trans-disciplinary concepts
A subject-specific focus on RDM for biodiversity and ecological research
A detailed introduction to the concept of Data Management Plans (DMPs)
An introduction to the GFBio service for DMP support
Hands-on experience in creating a DMP according to the DFG Guidelines on the handling of Research Data in Biodiversity Research
After the course the participants will have gained:
A detailed overview of the most important aspects of RDM
The ability to create their own DMP
The concepts and skills taught in the course are transferable to other disciplines.
- Own PC, laptop
- Internet, web browser (up-to-date)
- For online format a second screen might be beneficial
29.06.2022, 10:00 - 12:00 and 13:00-15:00
Online via VC
Registration deadline: 14.06.2022

Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner
Professor for Earth System Data Science at University Bremen

Dr. Ivaylo Kostadinov
- Technical Manager (NFDI4Biodiveristy Research Data Commons)
- Team lead for Software Development & Deployment (GFBio e.V.)