Environmental Management System at the University of Bremen

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EMAS Certification


Since the beginning of 2004, the University of Bremen has been continuously validated under the EMAS (Eco-Management Audit Scheme). With this certificate, the University of Bremen certifies that its environmental performance exceeds the legal requirements.

National Climate Initiative

The University of Bremen had an integrated energy and climate protection concept drawn up in 2015 as part of the 'Climate Protection Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU)'. Integriertes Energie- und Klimaschutz-konzept  The project was funded under the funding code 03KS5333. The climate protection concept contains a catalogue with 30 measures that are to be implemented in the future.


Learning Sustainability

Saving energy in public buildings

change Logo

The CHANGE project is an interdisciplinary collaboration examining energy-saving opportunities in electricity consumption and heat-use characteristics in public buildings. The aim is to develop and scientifically test new and effective intervention strategies to promote efficient user behavior.

Updated by: N.N.