Alumni as guests at the chamber of commerce on May 4
Pictures of the evening

Networking of, for, and with Alumni
... this time: as guests at the chamber of commerce with Dr. Jochen Schuster, Member of the European Parlament, and Volkmar Herr, International Managing Director at the Bremen Chamber of Commerce
Where does Europe begin? Where does it end? And: What will happen to us and our neighboring states in the election year 2017? In the debate, which was led by Prof. Klaus Schlichte (International Relations: Politics in the World Society), these and other questions were addressed and discussed in detail by our alumni guest Joachim Schuster and Volkmar Herr, our host at the chamber of commerce. Peacekeeping by interdependence was the guiding principle in the debate – and has been since time immemorial in Europe. In it, the European logic stands juxtaposed to that of the United States. How to reconcile them in times of Brexit and a multitude of migration flows was one of the main topics of the evening. Mr. Herr enthusiastically and passionately pointed out the elite project that is Europe. With trade policy as a major competency factor. Everybody agreed, “The EU is and continues to be a project of passion.” Numerous anecdotes about everyday life in politics were shared at the subsequent get-together at the close-by ‘Ständige Vertretung’ restaurant at Böttcherstraße as well. For many alumni, networking that night included establishing connections to Brussels. Joachim Schuster as a most interesting guest, a fantastic location, and a charming presentation led to many inspiring conversations even after the event ended.