Kampala to Bremen and Back – A journey that changed everything

Bild von Mary Namuskose

From 2012 to 2014, Mary Namukose from the Ugandan capital Kampala completed the International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology (ISATEC) master's programme at the University of Bremen. Her summation at our 22 February online event: "This was an excellent course of study, and it was a journey that changed my life.” Through her presentation, the audience learned how a couple from Bremen became her second family, how significant her university semester abroad in Zanzibar was for her current job in the field of water resources management, and that "rolex" is a typical national dish in Uganda consisting of many variations of fried eggs rolled in dough. The evening was so engaging and amiable that it immediately gave rise to an idea for a new event format at which international alumni can introduce themselves: "Alumni Talk: One hour with…".