Second Campus Award on April 19, 2018

Once again, about 100 guests were drawn to campus by the impressive Campus Award – despite the weather outside being fantastic. But it was all about sustainability and new ideas on the way there – and about nothing short of the absolute passion for research for the benefit of the people on this planet.
The Kellner & Stoll Foundation for Climate and Environment, the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, the University of Bremen and Alumni der Universität Bremen e.V. have again been able to award prizes for outstanding research projects in 2018. This year, both an outstanding master thesis and a special dissertation were honored. As in the previous years, the aim was to award prizes for responsible and cooperative research by young academics. A format that successfully appeals to more and more departments (this time the nominated projects came from: Biology, Chemistry, Social Sciences, Production Engineering and Law).
Natalie Prinz and Jann Lasse Grönemeyer received the CAMPUS AWARD 2018:
Natalie Prinz had conducted research on the Cook Islands for her master thesis entitled "To feed or not to feed? How artificial feeding affects coral reef fish functions in the Aitutaki lagoon". The work on the impact of tourism on the coral reefs in the South Pacific is being used by the local authorities to develop new, responsible concepts in harmony with nature on the South Pacific islands.
Jann Lasse Grönemeyer worked on the absorption of nitrogen by regional bacteria by means of plant rhizobia in Africa under the title "Bacteria associated with agricultural plants in the Okavango region: Diversity, ecology, and applicability in sustainable agriculture". This work will benefit agriculture in the long term and will lead to further follow-up projects at the University of Bremen and the University of Namibia.
To find out more about the fifteen nominees and their research topics, please click here: