[Translate to English:] Alumni im DFKI

Alumni at DFKI

Visit to the DFKI

On the 20. of September our alumni visited the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). At the invitation of Professor RolfDrechsler, the alumni were granted insight to the research area of Cyber-Physical Systems at Bremen Uni and DFKI. After the introduction by chairman Dr. Reinhard Ahlers, RolfDrechsler took over and gave elaborate details on the researchof the DFKI. Their main focus lies on safety and security of intelligent software systems. “We want to avoid any damage in the first place. Therefore, we want to build secure systems, which are tested extensively in our Living Labs,” Drechsler said. The alumni split up into smaller groups in order to visit the BAALL (Bremen Ambient Assisted Living Lab) and the world champion in robot soccer, B-Human. The BAALL is a research lab for intelligent technologies and helps develop systems that will assist people in their home but also outside of it. As usual, the event ended with a sociable get-together with wine and pretzels. The alumni engaged in conversation and exchanged their thoughts on the event. “It has again been very interesting, and we learned quite a bit,” one participant said. It was remarked that impressive developments with clear visions have been made in the field of artificial intelligence.