Meeting of the Regional Group Munich: Successful relaunch

Meeting of the regional group in Munich
From left to right: Norbert Schröder, Christian Karl, Rainer Sanders and Gerald Meyer-Haak.

More than ten years ago there was the first attempt to establish a regional group of alumni of the University of Bremen in Munich. Organized by Norbert Schröder, the group met in the Augustinerkeller in the Arnulfstraße.

Besides the organizer, Rainer Sanders and Gerald Meyer-Haak were among the first participants. Over time this 'Stammtisch' fell asleep more and more.

This year the relaunch of the group took place supported by Alumni Bremen. Beside the participants of the beginnings we could also welcome Christian Karl. However, due to short-term cancellations, we were only four Munich Alumni but are very confident to increase the group to at least six participants With support from Bremen, we might be able to reach other interested alumni and welcome them to one of our next meetings. All participants agreed that we want to continue these meetings. The next date was set for mid-February.

Tenor was also that Wednesday is probably a good day for such meetings.

Each of us had completed a different course of studies. Thus, the discussions focused more on the current activities. Of course, memories of the time in Bremen were also exchanged, especially since visits to the Hanseatic city have become very rare. The location, located in the immediate vicinity of the Hard Rock Café and the Hofbräuhaus, is a nice traditional Bavarian restaurant. We had also briefly discussed the locations for the further meetings. So we thought about looking for something in Schwabing or another part of town. As a result of the discussion it can be said that we do not want to commit ourselves definitively to one location. For the February ‘Stammtisch’ we would probably stay with this one. If we keep to the three month rhythm, in May the first beer gardens would already be open again.