Jessica Winter – YUFE Student Forum’s New President

Portrait von Jessica Winter

Young. Motivated. Inclusive. Jessica Winter – newly elected president of YUFE Alliance’s Student Forum – reflects exactly the alliance’s values. The student from Bremen has been involved in the project since the founding of YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe).

She has now been elected chairperson of the student representation in an election among students and has held this office since August 17. With it, she now holds a seat on the Strategy Board, YUFE’s highest decision-making body, and is a voting member along with the directors of all participating universities. Among her tasks as president is also the representation in external events. Her most important goal: establishing European networks.

Additionally, Jessica Winter hopes to ensure that student concerns play an important role in YUFE’s decision-making processes. Comparing it with other university consortia in the EU, YUFE is a role model among them: Students had been involved in the development of the YUFE Alliance from the very beginning.

Her hopes for YUFE are that, by establishing a European university, it can counteract the nationalistic tendencies visible in many countries – for a stronger European sense of community. And YUFE becomes tangible: In the upcoming winter semester, the first students will take classes at cooperating universities as part of a test run.

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