Workshop on “Sustainability and Entrepreneurship”

Sustainability & entrepreneurship: these two topics were the subject of a multi-day online workshop for students held at the end of March and beginning of April 2021. Thirty students from the University of Bremen and the University of Cardiff took part in the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance’s first international and interdisciplinary student-focused workshop. The workshop was designed, organised and moderated by colleagues from Cardiff University’s Global Opportunities and Enterprise & Start-up Teams and the University of Bremen’s UniTransfer/BRIDGE group.

Across a total of six workshop days, experts from Cardiff and Bremen shared insights on topics such as idea generation, validation, marketing, pitching and start-up culture in the UK and Germany. Students were also able to exchange ideas with founders of sustainable start-ups in Cardiff and Bremen. The students worked in international teams to develop sustainable start-up ideas related to the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which they presented to a jury of four experts from Bremen and Cardiff. Prizes were awarded for ideas in the field of urban farming, a sustainable travel agency and an app that promotes sustainable behaviour. Both the students and the organisers were enthusiastic about the intensive and enriching cooperation, which also provided insight into the practices and particularities of the “other” country.


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