AI Conference

Opening speech

At the AI conference "Beyond the Hype: Artificial Intelligence in Academia and Practice" in November 2020, Prof.Dr. Hanna Trittin-Ulbrich from the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, guest of the Diginomics Group, gave the opening speech.

"Ökonomie und AI/Neuro: Modewelle oder natürliche Kombination?"

Dr. Hans Georg Zimmermann, Fraunhofer Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services SCS,  delivered a speech in course of the "AI Conference: Beyond the Hype: Artificial Intelligence in Academia and Practice"  on the topic "Ökonomie und AI/Neuro: Modewelle oder natürliche Kombination?".

"Towards Human-Centered AI - Designing Interactive Intelligent Systems"

Prof.Dr. Alexander Mädche, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),  delivered a speech in course of the "AI Conference: Beyond the Hype: Artificial Intelligence in Academia and Practice"  on the topic "Towards Human-Centered AI - Designing Interactive Intelligent Systems".

"The Role of Managers in Innovating with AI"

Prof. Nicholas Berente, University of Notre Dame, delivered a speech in course of the "AI Conference: Beyond the Hype: Artificial Intelligence in Academia and Practice" on the topic "The Role of Managers in Innovating with AI".

Dark and unexpected Sides of AI for Organizations and Organizing

At the AI conference "Beyond the Hype: Artificial Intelligence in Academia and Practice ", Prof.Dr. Hanna Trittin-Ulbrich from the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, guest of the Diginomics Group, gave a lecture on "Dark and unexpected Sides of AI for Organizations and Organizing".