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First book in the new Diginomics book series

First book in the new Diginomics book series - Advanced Studies in Diginomics and Digitalization- published under the title: "Asset Pricing and Investment Styles in Digital Assets: A Comparison with Traditional Asset Classes".

The book series ‘Advanced Studies in Diginomics and Digitalization’ features the latest research in economic topics related to the digitization of labor finance and product markets. Books published in this series are primarily monographs and edited volumes that present new research results both theoretical and empirical on ethical socio-political work psychological economic and politically relevant questions about new digital markets. All books are published in print and digital formats and disseminated globally. If you wish to publish your work in the book series, contact our editors Prof.Dr. Lars Hornuf (Diginomics), Prof.Dr. Herbert Kotzab (Diginomics), and Prof.Dr. Markus Pelger (Stanford University).