About Us

Who we are

We are the Green Office of the University of Bremen. Currently, we are two academic staff members and one student who are employed by the University of Bremen through a project application from the Environmental Management Coordinator.

What do we do?

We support university members in getting involved in the socio-ecological transformation. In doing so, we particularly promote the engagement of students and form an interface between the different status groups. We also participate as advisory members in the meetings of the Advisory Committee for Sustainable Campus Operations (BNC), the Commission for Sustainability, Climate Justice and Climate Neutrality (NKK) and the "Steering Committee Mission Statement".

How did we start?

On the initiative of the student members in the Commission for Sustainability, Climate Justice and Climate Neutrality, the Sustainability Office was established as a pilot process of the Sustainability Strategy as of October 2022.

Logo of the Green Office

How to reach us

Just write us an email! We do have an office on campus, but mainly work online. On request, we can of course also meet in person.

Our Socials