Joint Project MaUS - An Autonomous Microreactor System for Detection of Mold Contaminations
The MaUS project aims at designing an autonomous sensor system for the detection of mold contaminations in archives and in food transport containers. In collaboration with four industrial partners, various mold detection methods based on optical, electrochemical, fluorescence principles etc. have been investigated since 2013. One novel approach to design such an autonomous system is to automatize the traditional culturing techniques by integrating an air sampling unit.
Design of micro-reactors.
Evaluation of suitable mold detection methods.
Determination of the mold species responsible for the contamination of archives and food transport containers.
Development of specific culture medium.
Automatization of air sampling unit with the micro-reactors.
The aim of the proposed project is to detect the presence of mold in transport containers and in archives. Mold contamination of fresh food during transportation is one of the major issues, which not only results in the loss of food but also incurs potential losses for food logistics. Till date there exists no sensor system which could be placed in a transport container to monitor the concentration of mold. Also in archives, documents can be infected with mold. If the mold infestation is not noticed it could spread through the entire archive damaging all the documents. To avoid damages to documents and also to monitor food quality, we are designing an automated sensor system which acts as a mold warning system. One way to design such a system is to automate the traditional culturing technique where a culture medium specific to a particular mold species is enclosed in the mold-reactors. Once the spores land on the culture medium they start to grow which is then detected using optical, electrochemical or fluorescence techniques. Another way of designing an autonomous mold detection system is by directly investigating the concentration of spores with optical imaging technique.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Lang
E-mail: contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Vellekoop
IMSAS, NW1, Room O2140
Tel: +49 421 218 62604
E-mail: contact
The research project MaUS is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research from October 2013 until September 2016.
BMA Labor GbR (Biologisches Mess- und Analyselabor GmbH)
microfab Service GmbH
VEW GmbH /
Dole Fresh Fruit