
This page displays the publications sorted by year of publication.

For publications prior to 2010, please visit the members' pages.

Hofinger J, Kaesmann L, Buentzel J, Scharpenberg M, Huebner J (2024). Systematic assessment of the influence of quality of studies on mistletoe in cancer care on the results of a meta-analysis on overall survival. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 150, 219. (
Fischer L, Bofill Roig M, Brannath W (2024). The Online Closure Principle. Annals of Statistics, to appear.
Fischer L, Bofill Roig M, Brannath W (2024). An exhaustive ADDIS principle for online FWER control. Biometrical Journal, to appear
Brannath W (2023). Discussion on “Optimal test procedures for multiple hypotheses controlling the familywise expected loss”. by Willi Maurer, Frank Bretz, and Xiaolei Xun. Biometrics, 79(4):2806-2810. (
Yaron S, Rosenberg L, Hickerson W, Goverman J, Iyler N, Barrera-Oro J, Lipovy B, Monstrey S, Blome-Eberwein S, Wibbenmeyer LA, Scharpenberg M, Singer A (2023). Early Enzymatic Burn Debridement: Results of the DETECT Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 45(2):297:307 (
Scharpenberg M, Brannath W (2023). Simultaneous confidence intervals for an extended Koch-Röhmel design in three-arm non-inferiority trials. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(9):1784-1798. (
Schmidt D, Kollan C, Schewe K, et al. (2023). Evaluation der Einführung der HIV-Präexpositionsprophylaxe als Leistung der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (EvE‑PrEP). Bundesgesundheitsbl 66, 1008–1018. (
Großhennig A, Thomas NH, Brannath W, Koch A (2023). How to avoid concerns with the interpretation of two primary endpoints if significant superiority in one is sufficient for formal proof of efficacy. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 22(5):836-845. (
Alvarez-Molina K, Reinschlüssel AV, Kratky T, Scharpenberg M, Malaka R (2023). Can you feel the rhythm? Comparing vibrotactile and auditory stimuli in the rhythm video game Jump‘n'Rhythm. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-18. (
Schwarze K, Mathmann P, Schäfer K, Brannath W, Höhne P-H, Altin S, Prein L, Naghipour A, Zielonkowski SM, Wasmuth S, Kanaan O, am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, Schwalen AS, Schotenröhr A, Scharpenberg M, Schlierenkamp S, Stuhrmann N, Lang-Roth R, Demir M, Diekmann S, Neumann A, Gietmann C, Neumann K (2023) Effectiveness and costs of a low-threshold hearing screening programme (HörGeist) for individuals with intellectual disabilities: protocol for a screening study. BMJ Open 13(5):e070259. (
Weber F, Müller C, Bahns C, Kopkow C, Färber F, Gellert P, Otte I, Christensen A, Vollmar HC, Brannath W, Diederich F, Kloep S, Rothgang H, Dieter V, Krauß I, Kloek C, Veenhof C, Collisi S, Repschläger U, Böbinger H, Grüneberg C, Thiel C, Peschke D (2023). Smartphone-assisted training with education for patients with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis (SmArt-E): study protocol for a multicentre pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 24, 221. (
Preuss B, Fischer L, Schmidt A, Seibert K, Hoel V, Domhoff D, Heinze F, Brannath W, Wolf-Ostermann K, Rothgang H (2023). COVID-19 in German Nursing Homes: The Impact of Facilities’ Structures on the Morbidity and Mortality of Residents-An Analysis of Two Cross-Sectional Surveys. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1):610. (
Brannath W, Hillner C, Rohmeyer K (2023). The population-wise error rate for clinical trials with overlapping populations. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(2):334-352. (
Stark M, Hesse M, Brannath W, Zapf A (2022). Blinded sample size re-estimation in a comparative diagnostic accuracy study. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22, 115. (
Westphal A, Zapf A, Brannath W (2022). A multiple testing framework for diagnostic accuracy studies with co-primary endpoints. Statistics in Medicine 41(5):891-909 ((doi: 10.1002/sim.9308))
Brannath W, Scharpenberg M, Schmidt S (2022). Single-stage, three-arm, adaptive test strategies for non-inferiority trials with an unstable reference. Statistics in Medicine, 41(25):5033-5045. (
Zimmermann G, Brunner E, Brannath W, Happ M, Bathke AC (2021). Pseudo-Ranks: The Better Way of Ranking? American Statistician, 76(2):124-130 (
Wiegelmann H, Wolf-Ostermann K, Brannath W, Arzideh F, Dreyer J, Thyrian R, Schirra-Weirich L, Verhaert L (2021). Sociodemographic aspects and health care-related outcomes: a latent class analysis of informal dementia care dyads. BMC Health Service Research, 21, 727 (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Torge A, Junker R, Bertram A, Krebs A, Özcürümez M, Orth M, Streichert T (2021). Age and sex dependent reference intervals for random plasma/serum glucose concentrations related to different sampling devices and determined by an indirect procedure with data mining. J Lab Med, 45(2):95-101. (
Saha S, Brannath W, Bornkamp B (2020). Testing multiple dose combinations in clinical trials. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(7):1799–1817. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Streichert T. The difference between reference interval and reference range. J Lab Med, 44(3):173
Mirastschijski U, Schwab I, Coger V, Zier U, Rianna C, He W, Maedler K, Kelm S, Radtke A, Belge G, Lindner P, Stahl F, Scharpenberg M, Lasota L, Timm J (2020). Lung Surfactant Accelerates Skin Wound Healing: A Translational Study with a Randomized Clinical Phase I Study. Sci Rep 10, 2581. (
Rathjen KI, Herbon C, Jilani H, Scharpenberg M, Schilling I, Schmiemann G, Brannath W, Gerhardus A (2020). Older patients’ involvement in research (INVOLVE-Clin): a study protocol. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 156-157:82–88, ISSN: 1865-9217. (
Jilani H, Rathjen K I, Schilling I, Herbon C, Scharpenberg M, Brannath W, Gerhardus A. Handreichung zur Patient*innenbeteiligung an klinischer Forschung, Version 1.0. Universität Bremen. (
Grill S, Ring A, Brannath W, Scharpenberg M (2020). Assessing consistency in clinical trials with two subgroups and binary endpoints: A new test within the logistic regression model. Statistics in Medicine, 39(30):4551-4573. (
Wosniok W, Nickel S, Schroeder W (2020). Development of the software tool Sample Size for Arbitrary Distributions and exemplarily applying it for calculating minimum numbers of moss samples used as accumulation indicators for atmospheric deposition. Environ Sci Eur 32, 9. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Torge A, Junker R. Age- and sex-dependent reference intervals for uric acid estimated by the truncated minimum chi-square (TMC) approach, a new indirect method. J Lab Med 44(3):157–163
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Torge A, Junker R (2020). Reference limits of high-sensitive cardiac troponin T indirectly estimated by a new approach applying data mining. A special example for measurands with a relatively high percentage of values at or below the detection limit. J Lab Med, 2021 45(2):87-94. (
Bader A, Toenjes A, Wielki N, Mändle A, Onken AK, von Hehl A, Meyer D, Brannath W, Tracht K (2019). Parameter Optimization in High-Throughput Testing for Structural Materials. MATERIALS, 12(20):3439 (
Westphal M, Brannath W (2019). Improving Model Selection by Employing the Test Data. PMLR 97:6747-6756. (
Westphal M, Brannath W (2019). Evaluation of multiple prediction models: A novel view on model selection and performance assessment. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2020;29(6):1728-1745. (
Schmidt S, Brannath W (2019). Simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios with application to the gold standard design with more than one experimental treatment. Statistics in Medicine, 38(28):5350-5360. (
Nhacolo A, Brannath W (2019). Interval and point estimation in adaptive Phase II trials with binary endpoint. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(9):2635-2648. (
Vradi E, Jaki T, Vonk R, Brannath W (2019). A Bayesian model to estimate the cutoff and the clinical utility of a biomarker assay. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(8):2538-2556. (
Jaki T, Gordon A, Forster P, Bijnens L, Bornkamp B, Brannath W, Fontana R, Gasparini M, Hampson LV, Jacobs T, Jones B, Paoletti X, Posch M, Titman A, Vonk R, Koenig F (2019). Response to comments on "Jaki et al., A proposal for a new PhD level curriculum on quantitative methods for drug development, Pharmaceutical Statistics, 17(5):593-606". Pharmaceutical Statistics, 18(3):284-286. (
Wilińska J, Mocanu B, Awad D, Gousia D, Hillner C, Brannath W, Mohr A, Gabel D (2019). New stains for anterior capsule surgery. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 45(2):213-218. (
Dieckmann K.-P, Radtke A, ..., Wosniok W (2019). Serum Levels of MicroRNA-371a-3p (M371 Test) as a New Biomarker of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Results of a Prospective Multicentric Study. J Clin Oncol, 37:1412-1423. (
Veselinović T, Scharpenberg M, Heinze M, Cordes J, Mühlbauer B, Juckel G, Rüther E, Paulzen M, Haen E, Hiemke C, Timm J, Gründer G. Dopamine D2 Receptor Occupancy Estimated From Plasma Concentrations of Four Different Antipsychotics and the Subjective Experience of Physical and Mental Well-Being in Schizophrenia: Results From the Randomized NeSSy Trial. J Clin Psychopharmacol., 39(6), pp. 550-560. (
Wosniok W, Haeckel R (2019). A new indirect estimation of reference intervals: truncated minimum chi-square (TMC) approach. Clin Chem Lab Med, 57(12):1933-1947. (
Veselinović T, Scharpenberg M, Heinze M, Cordes J, Mühlbauer B, Juckel G, Habel U, Rüther E, Timm J, Gründer G (2019). Disparate effects of first and second generation antipsychotics on cognition in schizophrenia - Findings from the randomized NeSSy trial. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol Volume 29, Issue 6, pp. 720-739, ISSN 0924-977X. (
Wosniok W, Nickel S, Schroeder W. Sample Size for Arbitrary Distributions using the example of mosses as indicators for atmospheric deposition. GEFAHRSTOFFE 79 Nr. 11-12, 451-459
Czwikla J, Schulz M, Heinze F, Kalwitzki T, Gand D, Schmidt A, Tsiasioti C, Schwinger A, Kloep S, Schmiemann G, Wolf-Ostermann K, Gerhardus A, Rothgang H (2019). Needs-based provision of medical care to nursing home residents: protocol of a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open; 9:e025614. (
Vradi E, Brannath W, Jaki T, Vonk R (2018). Model selection based on combined penalties for biomarker identification. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 28(4):735-749. (
Awad D, Wilińska J, Gousia D, Shi X, Eddous J, Müller A, Wagner V, Hillner C, Brannath W, Mohr A, Gabel D (2018). Toxicity and phototoxicity in human ARPE-19 retinal pigment epithelium cells of dyes commonly used in retinal surgery. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 28(4):433-440. (
Kerkemeyer L, Wasem J, Neumann A, Brannath W, Mester B, Timm J, Wobrock T, Bartels C, Falkai P, Biermann J (2018). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an integrated care program for schizophrenia: an analysis of routine data. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 268:611–619. (
Rauch G, Brannath W, Brückner M, Kieser M (2018). The Average Hazard Ratio - A Good Effect Measure for Time-to-event Endpoints when the Proportional Hazard Assumption is Violated? Methods of Information in Medicine, 57(3):89-100. (
Jaki T, Gordon A, Forster P, Bijnens L, Bornkamp B, Brannath W, Fontana R, Gasparini M, Hampson LV, Jacobs T, Jones B, Paoletti X, Posch M, Titman A, Vonk R, Koenig F (2018). A proposal for a new PhD level curriculum on quantitative methods for drug development. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 17(5):593-606. (
Brückner M, Burger U, Brannath W (2018). Non-parametric adaptive enrichment designs using categorical surrogate data. Statistics in Medicine, 37(29):4507-4524. (
Saha S, Brannath W (2018). Comparison of different approaches for dose response analysis. Biometrical Journal, 2019; 61(1):83-100. (
Ring A, Scharpenberg M, Grill S, Schall R, Brannath W (2018). Equivalence Tests in Subgroup Analyses. New Frontiers of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics/ (pp. 201-238). (
Schulte K.F, Dänhardt A, Hufnagl M, Siegel V, Neudecker T, Wosniok W, Temming A. Not Easy To Catch: New insights into factors affecting catch rates of partly pelagic brown shrimps (Crangon crangon L.). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(4),1318-1328
Brannath W (2017). Contribution to the discussion of “A critical evaluation of the current ‘p-value controversy”. Biometrical Journal, 59(5):875-876. (
Bauer A, Hausmann H, Schaarschmidt J, Scharpenberg M, Troitzsch D, Johansen P, Nygaard H, Eberle T, Hasenkam J M (2017). Shed-blood-separation and cell-saver: an integral Part of MiECC? Shed-blood-separation and its influence on the perioperative inflammatory response during coronary revascularization with minimal invasive extracorporeal circulation systems - a randomized controlled trial. Perfusion. 2018;33(2):136-147. (
Dieckmann K.-P, Radtke A, Spiekermann M, Balks T, Matthies C, Becker P, Ruf C, Oing C, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Hammel J, Melchior S, Wosniok W, Belge G. (2017a): Serum Levels of MicroRNA miR-371a-3p: A Sensitive and Specific New Biomarker for Germ Cell Tumours. European Urology 71(2):213–220. ISSN: 0302-2838. (
Dieckmann K.-P, Radtke A, Spiekermann M, Balks T, Matthies C, Becker P, Ruf C, Oing C, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Hammel J, Melchior S, Wosniok W, Belge G. (2017b): Corrigendum re: “Serum Levels of MicroRNA miR-371a-3p: A Sensitive and Specific New Biomarker for Germ Cell Tumours” [Eur Urol 2017;71:213–20]. European Urology 71(5):E161. ISSN: 0302-2838. (
Wullschleger A, Wosniok W, Timm J, Heinze M (2017). Challenges and Perspectives in Bridging In- and Outpatient Sectors: The Implementation of Two Alternative Models of Care and Their Effect on the Average Length of Stay. Front. Psychiatry 8:196. (
Bauer A, Hausmann H, Schaarschmidt J, Szlapka M, Scharpenberg M, Eberle T, Hasenkam J M (2017). Is 300 Seconds ACT Safe and Efficient during MiECC Procedures?. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2019; 67(03):191-202. (
Schröder W, Nickel S, Schönrock S, Schmalfuss R, Wosniok W, Meyer M et al (2017). Bioindication and modelling of atmospheric deposition in forests enable exposure and effect monitoring at high spatial density across scales. Annals of Forest Science 74(2):31. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Arzideh F, Zierk J, Gurr E, Streichert T (2017). Critical comments to a recent EFLM recommendation for the review of reference intervals. Clin Chem Lab Med 2017, 55(3):341–347. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Gurr E, Postma T, Streichert T, and on behalf of the working group Guide Values of the German Society of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL Arbeitsgruppe Richtwerte) (2017). Quantity quotient reporting versus z-value for standardizing quantitative laboratory results. J Lab Med 2017, 41(2):93–97. (
Kruse-Plass M, Hofmann F, Kuhn U, Otto M, Schlechtriemen U, Schröder B, Vögel R, Wosniok W (2017). Reply to the EFSA (2016) on the relevance of recent publications (Hofmann et al. 2014, 2016) on environmental risk assessment and management of Bt.maize events (MON810, Bt11 and 1507). Environ Sci Eur (2017) 29:12. (
Nitsche M, Brannath W, Brueckner M, Wagner D, Kaltenborn A, Temme N, Hermann RM (2017). Comparison of different contouring definitions of the rectum as organ at risk (OAR) and dose-volume parameters predicting rectal inflammation in radiotherapy of prostate cancer: which definition to use? British Journal of Radiology, 90(1070), Article No.: 20160370. (
Brückner M, Brannath W (2017). Sequential tests for non-proportional hazards data. Lifetime Data Analysis 23:339–352. (
Gabriel K.M.A, Kuechly H.U, Falchi F, Wosniok W, Hölker F (2017). Resources of dark skies in German climatic health resorts. Int J Biometeorol 61(1):11-22. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Gurr E (2017). Diagnostic efficiency in models for permissible measurement uncertainty. J Lab Med, 41(6):309-315. (
Lang T, Feist S.W, Stentiford GD, Bignell JP, Vethaak AD, Wosniok W (2017). Analysis and assessment of data on externally visible diseases, macroscopic liver neoplasms and liver histopathology in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and off Iceland. Marine Environmental Research 124:61-69, Special Issue: SI. (
Haselsteiner AF, Ohlendorf JH, Wosniok W, Thoben K.-D (2017). Deriving environmental contours from highest density regions. Coastal Engineering 123:42–51. (
Zierk J, Arzideh F, Haeckel R, Cario H, Frühwald M, Gro HJ, Gscheidmeier T, Hoffmann R, Krebs A, Lichtinghagen R, Neumann M, Ruf HG, Steigerwald U, Streichert T, Rascher W, Metzler M, Rauh M (2017). Pediatric reference intervals for alkaline phosphatase. Clin Chem Lab Med; 55(1):102-110 (2017). (
Nickel S, Schröder W, Wosniok W, Harmens H, et al (2017). Modelling and mapping heavy metal and nitrogen concentrations in moss in 2010 throughout Europe by applying Random Forests models. Atmospheric Environment 156:146–159. (
Vethaak AD, Davies IM, Thain JE, Gubbins MC, Martínez-Gómez C, Robinson CD, Moffat CF, Burgeot T, Maes T, Wosniok W, Giltrap M, Lang T, Hylland K (2017). Integrated indicator framework and methodology for monitoring and assessment of hazardous substances and their effects in the marine environment. Marine Environmental Research, 124:11-20. (
Gutjahr G, Bornkamp B (2017). Likelihood Ratio Tests for a Dose-Response Effect using Multiple Nonlinear Regression Models. Biometrics, Journal of the International Biometric Society 73(1):197-205. (
Graf A, Gutjahr G, Brannath W (2016). Precision of maximum likelihood estimation in adaptive designs. Statistics in Medicine, 35(6):922-941. (
Lang T, Kruse R, Haarich M, Wosniok W. Mercury species in dab (Limanda limanda) from the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Icelandic waters in relation to host-specific variables. Marine Environmental Research 124, 32-40, Special Issue: SI. (
Hofmann F, Kruse-Plass M, Kuhn U, Otto M, Schlechtriemen U, Schröder B, Vöge, R, Wosniok W. Accumulation and variability of maize pollen deposition on leaves of European Lepidoptera host plants and relation to release rates and deposition determined by standardised technical sampling. Environ Sci Eur (2016) 28:14. (
Zutt M, Rudolph H, Kaune K.M, Wosniok W, Gärtne, U, Linke R. Myocardial scintigraphy – a method for detecting cardiac comorbidity in psoriasis patients?. JDDG 14(10):1007-1014. (
Wullschleger A, Wosniok W, Timm J, Heinze M. Subscription Rates of Psychiatric Patients to an Integrated Care Program in the Context of a Psychiatric Model Project. Psychiatrische Praxis, 43(7):374-379. (
Schröder W, Nickel S, Schönrock S, Meyer M, Wosniok W, Harmens H, Frontasyeva MV, et al. Spatially valid data of atmospheric deposition of heavy metals and nitrogen derived by moss surveys for pollution risk assessments of ecosystems. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 23(11):10457-76. (
Hoffmann G, Lichtinghagen R, Wosniok W. Simple estimation of reference intervals from routine laboratory data. J Lab Med 39(6):389-402. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Gurr E, Peil B. Supplements to a recent proposal for permissible uncertainty of measurements in laboratory medicine. LaboratoriumsMedizin 40(2):141–145. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Arzideh. Equivalence limits of reference intervals for partitioning of population data. Relevant differences of reference limits. LaboratoriumsMedizin 40(3):199–205. (
Gabriel  KMA, Kuechly HU, Falchi F, Wosniok W, Hölker F. Resources of dark skies in German climatic health resorts. Int J Biometeorol 61(1):11-22. (
Dieckmann K-P, Spiekermann M, Balks T, Ikogho R, Anheuser P, Wosniok W, Loening T, Bullerdiek J, Belge G. MicroRNA miR-371a-3p – A Novel Serum Biomarker of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Evidence for Specificity from Measurements in Testicular Vein Blood and in Neoplastic Hydrocele Fluid. Urol Int. 97(1):76-83. (
Wassmer G, Brannath W. Group Sequential and Confirmatory Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials. Springer Series in Pharmaceutical Statistics, Springer, Swizerland. (
Schmidt S, Brannath W (2015). Informative simultaneous confidence intervals for the fall-back procedure. Biometrical Journal, 57(4):712–719. (
Carreras M, Gutjahr G, Brannath W (2015). Adaptive seamless designs with interim treatment selection: a case study in oncology. Statistics in Medicine, 34(8):1317–1333. (
Kerkemeyer L, Mostardt S, Biermann J, Wasem J, Neumann A, Walendzik A, Jahn R, Bartels C, Falkai P, Brannath W, Breunig-Lyriti V, Mester B, Timm J, Wobrock T (2015). Evaluation of an integrated care program for schizophrenia: concept and study design. Europaen Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuro Science, 265(2):155–162. (
Zierk J, Arzideh F, Rechenauer T, Haeckel R, Rascher W, Metzler M, Rauh M. Age- and Sex-Specific Dynamics in 22 Hematologic and Biochemical Analytes from Birth to Adolescence. Clinical Chemistry 61:7; 964-973 (2015). (
Schumacher TC, Aminian A, Volkmann E, Lührs H, Zimnik D, Pede D, Wosniok W, Treccani L, Rezwan K. Synthesis and mechanical evaluation of Sr-doped calcium-zirconium-silicate (baghdadite) and its impact on osteoblast cell proliferation and ALP activity. Biomedical Materials 10(5):055013. (
Keddig N, Schubert S, Wosniok W. Optimal test design for binary response data: the example of the fish embryo toxicity test. Environmental Sciences Europe 27:15. (
Kloth L, Gottlieb A, Helmke B, Wosniok W, Löning T, Burchardt K, Belge G, Günther K, Bullerdiek J. HMGA2 expression distinguishes between different types of postpubertal testicular germ cell tumour. The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research, 1(4):239-251. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Postma T. Quantity quotient reporting. Comparison of various models. Clin Chem Lab Med, 53(12):1921-6. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Streichert T. Optimizing the use of the “state-of-the-art” performance criteria. Relevant differences of reference limits. Clin Chem Lab Med, 53(6):887–891. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Gurr E, Peil B. Permissible limits for uncertainty of measurement in laboratory medicine. Clin Chem Lab Med 53(8):1161-71. (
Bowden J, Brannath W, Glimm E (2014). Empirical Bayes estimation of the selected treatment mean for two-stage drop-the-loser trials: a meta-analytic approach. Statistics in Medicine 33(3):388-400. (
Schmidt S, Brannath W (2014). Informative simultaneous confidence intervals in hierarchical testing. Methods of Information in Medicine, 53(4):278–283. (
Schneider S, Kloimstein P, Pammer J, Brannath W, Grasl MC, Erovic BM (2014). New diagnostic markers in salivary gland tumors. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 271(7):1999-2007. (
Rauch G, Jahn-Eimermacher A, Brannath W, Kieser M (2014). Opportunities and challenges of combined effect measures based on prioritized outcomes. Statistics in Medicine, 33(7):1104-1120. (
Brannath W, Schmidt S (2014). A new class of powerful and informative simultaneous confidence intervals. Statistics in Medicine 33(19):3365-86. (

Year of publication 2013

Grütjen F, Lang T, Feist S, Bruno D, Noguera P, Wosniok W. Hyperpigmentation in North Sea dab Limanda limanda. I. Spatial and temporal patterns and host effects. Dis Aquat Org 103:9-24. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Klauke R. Comparison of ordinary linear regression, orthogonal regression, standardized principal component analysis, Deming and Passing-Bablok approach for method validation in laboratory medicine. J Lab Med, 37(3):147–163. (
Aggermann T, Brunner S, Krebs I, Haas P, Womastek I, Brannath W, Binder S, ROVO Study Group (2013). A prospective, randomised, multicenter trial for surgical treatment of central retinal vein occlusion: results of the Radial Optic Neurotomy for Central Vein Occlusion. Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 251(4):1065-1072. (
Gutjahr G, Brannath W (2013). Multiple tests of cost-effectiveness angles. Statistics in Medicine 32(10):1754-1762. (
Wang SJ, Brannath W, Brueckner M, Hung HML, Koch A (2013). Unblinded Adaptive Statistical Information Design Based on Clinical Endpoint or Biomarker. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 5(4):293-310. (
Urquizo M, Bobrov P, Brannath W. Hybrid Simulation. In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollerstsen, Springer Berlin, p. 347-359. ISBN 978-3-642-30915-1
Lassnigg A, Hiesmayr M, Frantal S, Brannath W, Mouhieddine M, Presterl E, Isetta C, Bachmann LM, Andreas M, Seitelberger R, Schmidlin D (2013). Long-term absolute and relative survival after aortic valve replacement: A prospective cohort study. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 30(11):695-703. (
Schlömer P, Brannath W (2013). Group sequential designs for three-arm 'gold standard' non-inferiority trials with fixed margin. Statistics in Medicine, 32(28):4875-4889. (

Year of publication 2012

Kammann U, Lang T, Wosniok W. Biological effects monitoring in marine research. Environmental Sciences Europe 24:1. (
Markowski D, Helmke B, Radtke A, Froeb J, Belge G, Bartnitzke S, Wosniok W, Czybulka-Jachertz I, Deichert U, Bullerdiek J. Fibroid explants reveal a higher sensitivity against MDM2-inhibitor nutlin-3 than matching myometrium. BMC Women’s Health 12:2. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Kratochvila J, Carobene A. A pragmatic proposal for permissible limits in external quality assessment schemes with a compromise between biological variation and state of the art. Clin Chem Lab Med, 50(5):833-839
Salhofer-Polanyi S, Frantal S, Brannath W, Seidel S, Wöber-Bingöl C, Wöber C (2012). Prospective Analysis of Factors Related to Migraine Aura - The PAMINA Study. Headache, 52:1236-1245. (
Graef F, Römbke J, Binimelis R, Myh, AI, Hilbeck A, Breckling B, Dalgaard T, Stachow U, Catacora-Vargas G, Bøhn T, Quist D, Darvas B, Dudel G, Oehen B, Meyer H, Henle K, Wynne B, Metzger MJ, Knäbe S, Settele J, Székács A, Wurbs A, Bernard J, Murphy-Bokern D, Buiatti M, Giovannetti M, Debeljak M, Andersen E, Paetz A, Dzeroski S, Tappeser B, van Gestel CAM, Wosniok W, Séralini G-E, Aslaksen I, Pesch R, Maly S, Werner A. A framework for a European network for a systematic environmental impact assessment of genetically modified organisms (GMO). BioRisk 7:73–97. (
Carreras M, Brannath W (2012). Shrinkage estimation in two-stage adaptive designs with mid-trial treatment selection. Statistics in Medicine, 32(10):1677-1690 (
Lassnigg A, Hiesmayr M, Frantal S, Brannath, W, Mouhieddine M, Presterl E, Isetta C, Bachmann, LM, Andreas M, Seitelberger R, Schmidlin D. Long-term absolute and relative survival after aortic valve replacement A prospective cohort study. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 30(11):695-703. (
Schlömer P, Brannath W (2013). Group sequential designs for three-arm 'gold standard' non-inferiority trials with fixed margin. Statistics in Medicine, 32(28):4875-4889. (
Brannath W, Gutjahr G, Bauer P (2012). Probabilistic Foundation of Confirmatory Adaptive Designs. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107:824-832. (

Year of publication 2011

Gutjahr G, Posch M, Brannath W (2011). Familywise error control in multi-armed response-adaptive two-stage designs. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 21(4):818-30
Gutjahr G, Brannath W, Bauer P (2011). An approach to the conditional error rate principle with nuisance parameters. Biometrics, 67(3):1039-46. (
Montalvo-Urquizo J, Bobrov P, Schmidt A, Wosniok W. Elastic responses of texturized microscale materials using FEM simulations and stochastic material properties. Mechanics of Materials, 47:1-10. (
Krebs I, Hagen S, Smretschnig E, Womastek I, Brannath W, Binder S (2011). Reproducibility of segmentation error correction in age-related macular degeneration: Stratus versus Cirrus OCT. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 96:271-275
Krebs I, Hagen S, Smretschnig E, Womastek I, Brannath W, Binder S (2011). Conversion of Stratus optical coherence tomography (OCT) retinal thickness to Cirrus OCT values in age-related macular degeneration. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 95(11):1552-1554. (
Krebs I, Smretschnig E, Moussa S, Brannath W, Womastek I, Binder S (2011). Quality and Reproducibility of Retinal Thickness Measurements in Two Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Machines. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 52:6925-6933. (
Lieba-Samal D, Wöber C, Frantal S, Brannath W, Schmidt K, Schrolnberger C, Wöber-Bingöl C, PAMINA study group (2011). Headache, menstruation and combined oral contraceptives: A diary study in 184 women with migraine. Europaen Journal of Pain, 15:852-857. (
Zebenholzer K, Rudel E, Frantal S, Brannath W, Schmidt K, Wöber-Bingöl C, Wöber C (2011). Migraine and weather: A prospective diary-based analysis. Cephalalgia, 31(4):391-400. (
Pieper M, Eagleson GW, Wosniok W, Schlosser G. Origin and segregation of cranial placodes in Xenopus laevis. Developmental Biology, 360:257-275. (
Kloth L, Belge G, Burchardt K, Loeschke S, Wosniok W, Fu X, Nimzyk R, Mohamed SA, Drieschner N, Rippe V, Bullerdiek J. Decrease in thyroid adenoma associated (THADA) expression is a marker of dedifferentiation of thyroid tissue. BMC Clinical Pathology,11:13. (
Bobrov P, Montalvo-Urquizo J, Lütjens J, Brannath W, Wosniok W, Schmidt A, Hunkel M. Ein stochastisches Modell zur Rekonstruktion elastischer Eigenschaften für texturierte Metalle. In: O. Kraft, A. Haug, F. Vollertsen, S. Büttgenbach (Hrsg.): Kolloquium Mikroproduktion und Abschlusskolloquium SFB 499, 11. - 12. Oktober 2011, Karlsruhe. KIT SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7591, 183-189
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Al Shareef N. Permissible performance limits of regression analyses in method comparisons. Clin Chem Lab Med, 49(11):1805-16. (
Lütjens J, Bobrov P, Hunkel M, Wosniok W. Towards a distribution-based formulation of FEM for micro-scale components. Procedia Engineering 10:1663-1669. (
Gurr E, Arzideh F, Brandhorst G, Gröning A, Haeckel R, Hoff T, Roggenbuck L, Schumann G, Wolters B, Wosniok W. Musterstandardarbeitsanweisung Präanalytik. J Lab Med, 35(1):55-60. (
Arzideh F, Wosniok W, Haeckel R. Indirect reference intervals of plasma and serum thyrotropin (TSH) concentrations from intra-laboratory data bases from several German and Italian medical centres. Clin Chem Lab Med, 49(4):659-664. (
Haeckel R,  Wosniok W. A new concept to derive permissible limits for analytical imprecision and bias considering diagnostic requirements and technical state-of-the-art. Clin Chem Lab Med 49(4):623–635. (

Year of publication 2010

Brannath W, Burger HU, Glimm E, Stallard N, Vandemeulebroecke M, Wassmer G (2010). Comments on the Draft Guidance on "Adaptive Design Clinical Trials for Drugs and Biologics" of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 20( 6):1125-1131. (
Benda N, Brannath W, Bretz F, Burger HU, Friede T, Maurer W, Wang SJ (2010). Perspectives on the Use of Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials. Part II. Panel Discussion. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 20(6):1098-1112. (
Brannath W and Bretz F (2010). Shortcuts for locally consonant closed test procedures. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105(490):660-669. (
Brannath W, Futschik A, Krall C. Statistik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften. (3., überarbeitete Auflage). Facultas.wuv, ISBN 978-3-7089-0489-4
Giarrizzo T, Krumme U, Wosniok W. Size-structured migration and feeding patterns in the banded puffer fish Colomesus psittacus (Tetraodontidae) from north Brazilian mangrove creeks. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 419:157-170. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W. Observed, unknown distributions of clinical chemical quantities should be considered to be log-normal: a proposal. Clin Chem Lab Med 48(10):1393-1396. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W. Controversies on quotient reporting to standardize laboratory results. Clin Chem Lab Med 48(8):1199-1201
Hofmann F, Epp R, Kalchschmid A, Kratz W, Kruse L, Kuhn U, Maisch B, Müller E, Ober S, Radtke J, Schlechtriemen U, Schmidt G, Schröder W, v. d. Ohe W, Vögel R, Wedl N, Wosniok W. Monitoring of Bt-Maize pollen exposure in the vicinity of the nature reserve Ruhlsdorfer Bruch in northeast Germany 2007 to 2008. Umweltwiss Schadst Forsch 22(3):229–251. (
Markowski DN, von Ahsen I, Nezhad MH, Helmke BM, Bullerdiek J, Wosniok W. HMGA2 and the p19(Arf)-TP53-CDKN1A Axis: A Delicate Balance in the Growth of Uterine Leiomyomas. Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 49(8):661-668. (
Haeckel R, Wosniok W, Hoffmann G. Standardisierung von Laborergebnissen: Ergebnisquotient. J Lab Med, 34(2):95-98
Arzideh F, Wosniok W, Haeckel R. Reference limits of plasma and serum creatinine concentrations from intra-laboratory data bases of several German and Italian medical centres Comparison between direct and indirect procedures. Clinica Chimica Acta, 411:215-221. (
Bauer P, Koenig F, Brannath W, Posch M (2010). Selection and bias - Two hostile brothers. Statistics in Medicine, 29(1):1-13. (
Serbecic N, Aboul-Enein F, Beutelspacher SC, Graf M, Kircher K, Geitzenauer W, Brannath W, Lang P, Kristoferitsch W, Lassmann H, Reitner A, Schmidt-Erfurth U (2010). Heterogeneous Pattern of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in Multiple Sclerosis. High Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography: Potential and Limitations. PLOS ONE, 5(11):e13877. (
Krebs I, Hagen S, Brannath W, Haas P, Womastek I, de Salvo G, Ansari-Shahrezaei S, Binder S (2010). Repeatability and reproducibility of retinal thickness measurements by optical coherence tomography in age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology, 117, 8:1577-84. (
Boltz A, Luksch A,Wimpissinger B, Maar N,Weigert G, Frantal S, Brannath W, Garhofer G, Ergun E, Stur M, Schmetterer L (2010). Choroidal Blood Flow and Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Fellow Eye in Patients with Unilateral Choroidal Neovascularization. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51(8):4220-4225. (
Göbl CS, Brannath W, Bozkurt L, Handisurya A, Anderwald C, Luger A, Krebs M, Kautzky-Willer A, Bischof MG (2010). Sex-specific differences in glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in older patients with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes mellitus. Gender Medicine, 7(6):593-9. (

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