

Kristina Vogt visited the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics

Kristina Vogt, top candidate of the party DIE LINKE for the city election 2019 in Bremen, participated in the discussion at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics about the topic left economic policy.

On May 22 Kristina Vogt visited the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics at the University of Bremen, to discuss about the challenging topic „Was ist linke Wirtschaftspolitik?“. The faculty was represented by Prof. Dirk Fornahl, lead of the Centre for Regional and Innovation Economics and Prof. Torben Klarl, Professor for Economics, esp. quantitative Macroeconomics. The event was moderated by Prof. Jochen Zimmermann, dean of the faculty. The participants discussed their opinions from the point of view of politics and science.

Here you can find a detailed article.

Bild der Diskussionsrunde