Lothar Dirks | From neural networks via translation actions on the torus to sandpiles
Startdatum: 13.07.2023 - 14:15
Enddatum: 13.07.2023 - 15:45
Adresse: MZH 4140
Organisator/Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Anke Pohl / Prof. Dr. Marc Keßeböhmer,
Preis: 0€
In 2022 U. Ernst, M. Keßeböhmer and M. Schünemann were able to prove a topological conjugation of a neural network, called the EHE model, to translation actions on the torus. This conjugation enabled a detailed investigation of characterizing properties of the neural network such as avalanche and assembly distributions.
In this talk we will generalize this topological conjugation to a broader set of neural networks, leading to possible applications for the Abelian sandpile model.