
WiWiNow app

The WiWiNow app has been available for iOS and Android since the winter semester 2020/21 and enables students to learn regardless of location and time. The aim of the app is to make teaching content available to students digitally and to strengthen their self-organisation and learning strategies. The inclusion of gamification elements, such as an interactive quiz and a ranking system, is intended to contribute to the students' continued motivation to study and learn.


Bild für die App-Seite der WiWiNow-App

Overview of features of the WiWiNow app:

  • Announcement feed
  • Calendar export of event dates
  • Push notifications as event reminders
  • Learning videos
  • Learning time tracking
  • Interactive surveys
  • QR code scanner for collecting additional points for course attendance
  • Quiz function for testing basic knowledge
  • Exercises (free text and multiple choice) with immediate feedback
  • Anonymous ranking for peer group comparison
  • WiWiNow_App_Martin Knipp

    WiWiNow app

    The app has been available since the beginning of November 2020 and has already been used in the course "Accounting and Financial Statements". The use of the WiWiNow app in further modules is planned.