Deutschlandstipendium University of Bremen
The Deutschlandstipendium - Smart Heads for Bremen
Launched in 2011 as a public-private education partnership by the federal government, the Deutschlandstipendium program has now become firmly established in the scholarship landscape. The principle: high-performing and committed students receive 300 euros per month, regardless of income. Private sponsors contribute 150 euros of this, the other half is contributed by the federal government. Since then, private donors have donated more than 87 million euros, from which more than 24,000 students have already benefited nationwide. The University of Bremen also participates in the program and supports about 100 scholarship holders annually.
Universität Bremen
Dezernat 6
Geschäftsstelle des Stipendienrats
Bibliothekstraße 1
28359 Bremen
Hanna Fokken
+49 421 218 61007
Gesine Ahlrichs
+49 421 218 61007
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