First Aid

Emergency Number: 112

Five important Questions


Where exactly did the emergency occur? The better and more precise the description, the faster rescuers can arrive on the scene. One person should also brief the emergency services.


Briefly describe how the emergency occurred. This will help rescuers select the right responders and rescue equipment.

How many?

Indicate the number of people involved so that the control center can arrange for enough responders and rescue resources.

What injuries?

Describe the nature of the injuries so that the correct rescue equipment can be selected. (Ambulance, ambulance or rescue helicopter).

Why  wait?

Do not just hang up, but wait for further inquiries from the control center. Perhaps something is still unclear. The call will only be terminated by the rescue control center when all questions have been answered. If necessary, the control center dispatcher will give voice instructions to support the emergency.

First Aiders

This is an overview of the first aiders in the buildings of Grazer Straße, 28359Bremen and other locations of Faculty 11. Please note, however, that you are also obliged to provide first aid in an emergency!


Melissa Cherouny, Hochschulring 18 (Cognium), Room 0500

Nicole Hehde, Grazer Straße 4, 4. Floor, Room A3030

Anastasia Huber, Grazer Straße 2, 1. Floor, Room  B0210

Katy Joost, Grazer Straße 2, 1. Floor, Room B0310

Heike Mertesacker, Grazer Straße 4, 3. Floor

Christina Müller, Grazer Straße 4, 4. Floor, Room A3030

Inga Schachtebeck-Schunn, Grazer Straße 4, 2. Floor, Room A1050

Anja Steinfath, Grazer Straße 6, 4. Floor, Room B3340

Susanne Stiefler, Grazer Straße 4, 2. Floor, Room A1110

Prof. Hans-Christian Waldmann, Grazer Straße 6 B, 3. Floor, Room 2360

First Aid Kits

Grazer Straße 2, 1. Floor, Room B0240

Grazer Straße 4, 2. Floor, Room 1010

Other Emergency?

You will find a lot of further information about procedures in case of an emergency on the emergency page of the University of Bremen as well as emergency numbers and contact persons.