Public Health - Health Services, Health Economics and Health Management, M.A.

Ansgar Gerhardus/University of Bremen

Abschlusssymposium des Masterstudiengangs Public Health - Gesundheitsversorgung, -ökonomie und -management der Universität Bremen am 26.01.2018 im Haus der Wissenschaft

Zwischen Forschung und Praxis – das Gesundheitssystem von morgen schon heute mitgestalten


Die Vergabe von Antibiotika ist in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen, obwohl die Bedenken gegenüber einer übermäßigen Antibiotikavergabe bekannt sind. Aber warum kann eine Antibiotikavergabe bedenklich sein? Und wie kann einer problematischen Antibiotikavergabe entgegengewirkt werden?  ...mehr

Prof. Dr. med. Ansgar Gerhardus, M.A., MPH
Leiter der Abt. 1 Versorgungsforschung
Besucheradresse: Grazer Straße 4, 28359 Bremen
Postanschrift: Universität Bremen, Fachbereich 11, Postfach 03 04 40, 28334 Bremen
Telefon:  +49-421-218-68800 (direkt)/+49-421-218-68802 (Assistenz)
FAX:        +49-421-218-98-68821

Language requirements

M.A. Public Health - Healthcare Provision, Economics and management is a German-speaking study program. Therefore the prerequisite for enrollment is that you can prove sufficient knowledge of German, at least at C1 level. Accepted German language certificates are published on the internet.

A further admission requirement is a language certificate evidencing English competence at the level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Contact person

Ulrike Meyerdierks
Visiting address: Grazer Str. 2/ room 0310, 28359 Bremen
Post address: Universität Bremen, Fachbereich 11, POB 33 04 40, 28344 Bremen
Phone: +49-421-218-68502 (Tuesday until Friday)

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Tobias Krick: "Wer einen Master sucht, bei dem es nicht nur darum geht so viel wie möglich auswendig zu lernen, sondern die gelernten Inhalte auch nachhaltig zu verstehen und in der Praxis anwenden zu können, der/die ist hier richtig."

Saskia Konusch: "Ich kann jetzt alles - einen Fragebogen erstellen, Interviews führen, Ergebnisse präsentieren, im Team arbeiten als auch Eigenverantwortung übernehmem, ein strukturiertes Projekt- und Zeitmanagement einhalten, einen Businessplan erstellen."

Daniel Gand: "Zentrales Element des Masterstudiums war [...] das eigene Forschungsprojekt [...]. Dadurch dass jedes Projekt einen Praxispartner hatte, konnte man selbst erleben was es bedeutet, wenn man 'Theorie trifft Praxis' spricht."

Imke Seifert: "Jeder, der an Projektarbeit, aber auch Teamarbeit interessiert ist und sich einen hohen Praxisbezug im Studium wünscht, ist hier genau richtig."

How to make the healthcare system needs-driven? What concepts exist for efficient healthcare provision? How can it be ensured that public health measures decrease rather than increase health inequality? How can healthcare and nursing be financed in future?

Students on this study program acquire the knowledge and skill sets requisite for experts in the field of public health, enabling them to develop scientifically grounded solutions to future challenges.

What should students expect from the program?

  • intensive support from teaching faculty
  • strong research orientation
  • Learning based on real problem issues
  • intensive exchange with fellow students
  • opportunities for cooperation and networking with stakeholdesr in the provision of healthcare

What characteristics should students share?

  • interest in academic career fields of Public Health
  • ability to work independently
  • an enthusiastic attitude to scientific work
  • commitment
  • team spirit

Program aims

The aim is to train future experts in the field of Public Health who are capable of independently identifying, analyzing and finding solutions to the complex problems facing the areas of Healthcare Provision, Economics, and Management. Graduates from the program will in various functions contribute towards making the system of healthcare provision more effective, more efficient, and more equitable. Furthermore, the program offers students the best possible conditions for personal and professional advancement as well as for developing individual academic specialties.

Didactical concept

The master’s program is strongly oriented to research-based learning. Research-based learning pursues an approach that enables students to shape their studies in a self-organized research process. Theories and methods are not dealt with in isolation, but taught at the same time. An important element of research-based learning in the study program is a three-semester research project carried out in collaboration with partners in the healthcare sector.

Moreover, research-based learning reaches beyond the mere acquisition of expert knowledge, fostering generic competences like creativity, self-assurance, and the ability to reach informed decisions.

A large part of studies are taken up in teamwork. Students learn together with and from each other, with expert support from the program’s teaching faculty.

The implementation of research-based learning in the study program is supported in the frame of the FLexeBel project.

For further information concerning research-based learning we suggest you to read the following article.

"Das ist wie ein großes Puzzle! Am Ende ergibt jedes Teil seinen Sinn" - Forschendes Lernen im Masterstudiengang Public Health - Gesundheitsversorgung, -ökonomie und -management, in: Resonanzmagazin der Universität Bremen"

Program Description

Students learn the central methods and theories in the areas of healthcare provision, health economics and healthcare management. This includes, for instance, statistical and epidemiological methods as well as methods for critical evaluation of their studies. In addition, together with their fellow students in the Faculty’s three other masters’ programs in Public Health, they analyze central concepts of Public Health on national as well as global levels. They analyze current issues surrounding the provision of healthcare and develop solutions based on national and international research findings.

For information concerning the admission requirements please visit the website of Datenbank Studium.

For information regarding the admission and selection procedure please visit the website of Datenbank Studium.

For inclusion in a master's degree is the completion of studies at the Bachelor's level requirement.
The subject-specific entry requirements are set out in the current Aufnahme-/Zulassungsordnung (admission regulations).
It also includes the different deadlines for the provision of evidence.

For more information please see the website of Datenbank Studium.

The Double Degree Programm in Cooperation with Maastricht University

A double degree program is a study program developed together with a partner university. Students complete part of their studies at the University of Bremen and the other part at the partner university Maastricht. After successful completion of studies, you will receive a degree from the University of Bremen (Master of Arts (M.A.) Public Health - Healthcare Provision, Economics and management) and a degree from the partner university Maastricht (Master of Science (M.Sc.) Governance and Leadership in European Public Health).

For more information please contact Imke Schilling (Doctoral Researcher, Faculty 11, Department 1: Health Services Research, Phone: +421 218-68805, email: imke.schillingprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de)

For information concerning applications please visit the website of Datenbank Studium.

Graduates are trained in the development of science-based solutions to complex tasks and prepared for positions as decision makers in respect of designing healthcare systems on national and international levels. Potential career fields are to be found

in research (universities, free institutes), in the scientific grounding of the healthcare system (e.g. public and private institutes, associations, public authorities), in the planning of healthcare provision (e.g. health insurance providers, associations), in the area of healthcare provision policy making (e.g associations of medical practitioners, healthcare insurance, industry), in counseling politics (e.g foundations, political parties), in managing contracts (e.g. for health insurance providers, free service providers), in not-for-profit associations or international organizations.

List of student research projects (M.A. Healthcare Provision, Economics and management)

A current overview of all contacts can be found on the German version of this website. 

You can find current module descriptions (Modulhandbücher or -beschreibungen), study schedules (Studienverlaufspläne) and other course-specific information on the German version of this site.