Bachelor examination regulations 2020: Cognitive Psychology II

Cognitive Psychology II

Cognitive Psychology II (winter semester, two-semester module)


The module consists of a lecture and an associated seminar.


Lecture Decision Psychology:Course Directory

  • Contents: Topics from the field of decision psychology are presented, in particular: theories and findings of decision behavior (e.g. heuristics, prospectus theory), risk perception and communication and risk behavior
  • Literature: A list with the literature for the lecture can be found in the lecture slides on Stud.IP

The accompanying seminars deepen selected theories and research approaches from the lecture with the help of current literature. The seminars take place in the summer semester.


The module examination consists of a written exam (WiSe) and a portfolio (SoSe).

Exam date SoSe 2024: August 26th, 2024, 10:00 am - 11:00 am at the test center of the University of Bremen.