Master Thesis

Master Theses

Master theses in our department are usually empirical, but literature work is possible in exceptional cases.

Possible questions for literature work lie in the overlapping area of ​​clinical and cognitive psychology, for example how pathological aspects (e.g. attention in autism) interact with cognitive processes (e.g. success in category learning).

Empirical master theses can be written on questions in the area of ​​our current research focus. However, you can also ask your own questions in consultation with the supervisor

You can find a selection of our current research focuses and questions on which empirical master's theses are possible here:

  • Cognitive processes in categorization decisions (René Schlegelmilch)
  • Cognitive processes in preference decisions (René Schlegelmilch)
  • Decisions under risk and individual differences (René Schlegelmilch)
  • Age-related changes in decision-making behavior (Bettina von Helversen)
  • Social influences on decision-making behavior (Bettina von Helversen)
  • Serial-position effect across short-term memory tasks (Hsuan-Yu Lin)
  • Reshaping the serial-position effect in recognition tasks (Hsuan-Yu Lin)
  • The effect of information accessibility on decision-making strategy (Hsuan-Yu Lin)
  • Time perception and temporal processing (Daniel Bratzke)
  • Introspection in cognitively demanding tasks (e.g., multitasking) (Daniel Bratzke)

If you are interested in a master thesis in the General Psychology group, please contact Bettina von Helversen. Please indicate which topic / question you are interested in.

General information on writing and registering a master's thesis can be found here: Master thesis guidelines