
New publication

An articel with the titel "Berichterstattungsfrequenz im Wandel - Bestandsaufnahme bisheriger empirischer Evidenz zur Wirkung einer erhöhten Berichtsfrequenz" written by Prof. Dr. Marius Gros and Jessica Witte was published in the journal "Der Konzern" (issue 10/2018).

An articel with the titel "Berichterstattungsfrequenz im Wandel - Bestandsaufnahme bisheriger empirischer Evidenz zur Wirkung einer erhöhten Berichtsfrequenz" written by Prof. Dr. Marius Gros and Jessica Witte was published in the journal "Der Konzern" (issue 10/2018).

With regard to the recent deregulation of quarterly reporting in Europe, the article reviews the current state of empirical accounting research concerning a change in the reporting frequency.