Professorship of General Business, esp. Finance and Accounting

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Professor and Topics

Prof. Dr. Marius Gros

Marius Gros

National and International Accounting

Corporate Governance

Auditing and Enforcement


Prof. Gros joins Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

Effective September 30th 2019, Prof. Dr. Gros left University of Bremen to join Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences.

4th edition of the law commentary Wiedmann/Böcking/Gros: "Bilanzrecht" published

The 4th edition of the German-GAAP commentary “Bilanzrecht” has been published.

New Publications on Enforcement of Accounting Standards in Germany

New article on the significance and implications of the decision of the OLG Frankfurt/M. of 04.02.2019 published in the magazine "Der Konzern" and guest commentary in "Der Betrieb".

Call for Papers: Journal of Business Economics - Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft Special Issue „Sustainability Reporting and Risk Governance”

Call for papers for Business Economics - Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft - Special Issue on Sustainability Reporting and Risk Governance

Cooperation with Vietnamese-German University and new publication

Once again we would like to welcome two Vietnamese exchange students within our Erasmus+ funded student exchange program with Vietnamese-German University. In turn, two students from University of Bremen are granted the possibility to study at VGU and to gain intercultural experiences in Vietnam.

New publication in the Management Review Quarterly

A replication study titled „Revisiting the effectiveness of German accounting enforcement reforms: a replication study“ conducted by Alexander Nevrela, M.Sc. and Prof. Dr. Marius Gros has been accepted for publication in the Management Review Quarterly.

Prof. Gros re-appointed to the Consultative Working Group of the European Securities and Markets Authority

For another two years from April 2019 onwards, Prof. Dr. Marius Gros has been appointed to the Consultative Working Group of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

Co-Editor of Beck´sches Handbuch der Rechnungslegung

With its 56. supplement Prof. Dr. Gros together with Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Böcking, Prof. Dr. Peter Oser, Prof. Dr. Eberhard Scheffler and Prof. Dr. Bettina Thormann became a co-editor of the renowned handbook.

New publication

An articel with the titel "Berichterstattungsfrequenz im Wandel - Bestandsaufnahme bisheriger empirischer Evidenz zur Wirkung einer erhöhten Berichtsfrequenz" written by Prof. Dr. Marius Gros and Jessica Witte was published in the journal "Der Konzern" (issue 10/2018).

BaFin-Transparenzworkshop 2018

On 19.11.2018 Prof. Gros attended the annual workshop of the German capital market authority in Frankfurt.


Prof. Gros

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Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter

Our research interests are, amongst others, auditing and corporate governance, enforcement of accounting standards and regulation and standard-setting. Read more about current research projects and publications.


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