Research Highlights 2017

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Exciton fission in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors

A. Steinhoff, M. Florian, M. Rösner, G. Schönhoff, T.O. Wehling and F. Jahnke.

Nature Communications (2017) 8, 1166.

When electron-hole pairs are excited in a semiconductor, it is a priori not clear if they form a plasma of unbound fermionic particles…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

MICROSCOPE Mission: First Results of a Space Test of the Equivalence Principle

Pierre Touboul, Gilles Métris, Manuel Rodrigues, Yves André, Quentin Baghi, Joël Bergé, Damien Boulanger, Stefanie Bremer, Patrice Carle, Ratana Chhun, Bruno Christophe, Valerio Cipolla, Thibault Damour, Pascale Danto, Hansjoerg Dittus, Pierre Fayet, Bernard Foulon, Claude Gageant, Pierre-Yves…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Quantitative determination of residual silver distribution in nanoporous gold and its influence on structure and catalytic performance

Christoph Mahr, Paromita Kundu, Anastasia Lackmann, Daniele Zanaga, Karsten Thiel, Marco Schowalter, Martin Schwan, Sara Bals, Arne Wittstock and Andreas Rosenauer.

Journal of Catalysis (2017) 352, 52–58.

Large efforts have been made trying to understand…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Microbial-based metalworking fluids in milling operations

Daniel Meyer, Marvin Redetzky and Ekkard Brinksmeier.

CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (2017) 66, 129–132.

Most commercial metalworking fluids (MWFs), as applied in cutting operations contain mineral-oil. Colonization of water-based MWFs…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

A comparative study of alcohol oxidation over nanoporous gold in gas and liquid phase

Anastasia Lackmann, Christoph Mahr, Marco Schowalter, Lisa Fitzek, Jörg Weissmüller, Andreas Rosenauer and Arne Wittstock.

Journal of Catalysis (2017) 353, 99–106.

The aerobic oxidation of methanol and ethanol in liquid phase is investigated using…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Structural and spectroscopic comparison between polycrystalline, nanocrystalline and quantum dot visible light photo-catalyst Bi2WO6

Michael Teck, M. Mangir Murshed, Marco Schowalter, Niels Lefeld, Henrike K. Grossmann, Tim Grieb, Thomas Hartmann, Lars Robben, Andreas Rosenauer, Lutz Mädler and Thorsten M. Gesing.

Journal of Solid State Chemistry (2017) 254, 82–89.

The structural…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

The cubic-to-hexagonal phase transition of cerium oxide particles: dynamics and structure

Jan Höcker, Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Thomas Schmidt, Jens Falta and Jan Ingo Flege.

Nanoscale (2017) 9, 9352-9358

Cerium oxide is often applied in today's catalysts due to its remarkable oxygen storage capacity. The changes in stoichiometry during reaction are…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Insight into the Mechanism of Reversible Ring-Opening of 1,3‑Benzoxazine with Thiols

Tobias Urbaniak, Marc Soto, Manuel Liebeke and Katharina Koschek.

Journal of Organic Chemistry (2017) 82, 4050−4055.

The reversible ring-opening addition and fragmentation reaction of p-cresol-based N-phenylbenzoxazine with aliphatic and aromatic thiols…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Simultaneous Acquisition of the Polarized and Depolarized Raman Signal with a Single Detector

Johannes Kiefer.

Analytical Chemistry (2017) 89 (11), 5725-5728

Polarization-resolved Raman spectroscopy provides much more information than its conventional counterpart. However, it usually either requires a complicated setup with two spectrographs…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Time resolved impedance spectroscopy analysis of lithium phosphorous oxynitride - LiPON layers under mechanical stress

Jens Glenneberg, Ingo Bardenhagen, Frederieke Langer, Matthias Busse and Robert Kun.

Journal of Power Sources (2017) 359, 157-165

In this paper we present investigations on the morphological and electrochemical changes of lithium phosphorous…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

An analytical multilayer source stress approach for the modelling of material modifications in machining

Carsten Heinzel, Jens Sölter, Maxim Gulpak and Oltmann Riemer.

CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (2017) 66, 531–534.

In the research concept of Process Signatures machining induced changes of surface and sub-surface material properties are…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Tunable Bragg polaritons and nonlinear emission from a hybrid metal-unfolded ZnSe-based microcavity

SK. Shaid-Ur Rahman, Thorsten Klein, Jürgen Gutowski, Sebastian Klembt and Kathrin Sebald.

Scientific Reports (2017) 7, Article number: 767

Strong light-matter interaction in Bragg structures possesses several advantages over conventional microcavity…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Colloidal capsules: nano- and microcapsules with colloidal particle shells

Tobias Bollhorst, Kurosch Rezwan and Michael Maas.

Chemical Society Reviews (2017) 46, 2091-2126

Utilizing colloidal particles for the assembly of the shell of nano- and microcapsules holds great promise for the tailor-made design of new functional materials.…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Growth and structure of ultrathin praseodymium oxide layers on ruthenium(0001)

Jan Höcker, Jon-Olaf Krisponeit, Julian Cambeis, Alexei Zakharov, Yuran Niu, Gang Wei, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, Jens Falta, Andreas Schaefer and Jan Ingo Flege.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2017) 19, 3480-3485

The growth, morphology, structure, and…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Nanoparticles for radiooncology: Mission, vision, challenges

Leoni A. Kunz-Schughart, Anna Dubrovska, Claudia Peitzsch, Alexander Ewe, Achim Aigner, Samuel Schellenburg, Michael H. Muders, Silke Hampel, Giuseppe Cirillo, Francesca Iemma, Rainer Tietze, Christoph Alexiou, Holger Stephan, Kristof Zarschler, Orazio Vittorio, Maria Kavallaris, Wolfgang J. Parak,

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Safe-by-Design CuO Nanoparticles via Fe-Doping, Cu–O Bond Length Variation, and Biological Assessment in Cells and Zebrafish Embryos

Hendrik Naatz, Sijie Lin, Ruibin Li, Wen Jiang, Zhaoxia Ji, Chong Hyun Chang, Jan Köser, Jorg Thöming, Tian Xia, Andre E. Nel, Lutz Mädler and Suman Pokhrel.

ACS Nano (2017) 11, 501–515

The safe implementation of nanotechnology requires nanomaterial…

Updated by: MAPEX