Anke Winsmann

Anke Winsmann

Anke Winsmann, subject librarian and public relations officer at the Bremen State and University Library since February 2007

Anke Winsmann

"I am happy to be able to support and accompany people in their lifelong learning through my work."

A job in a library is boring? Not at all, says AnkeWinsmann. At the Bremen State and University Library, she is responsible for such varied tasks as providing information, maintaining the literature collection, designing the learning space, coordinating projects (exhibitions, events, etc.) and maintaining the website. She particularly appreciates the communication with her target groups, which are both the teachers and students, but also all interested Bremen residents outside the universities. In a collegial and creative exchange with colleagues on site and also from other libraries, she is committed to constantly expanding the library service. In personal contact, she therefore experiences her colleagues as "approachable at all times, rather pragmatic and always optimistic".
She sees the future of the University of Bremen (in 50 years) in the expansion of international networking (e.g. YUFE), the interdisciplinary orientation and the modular structure of studies and teaching. All of this - according to her vision - will certainly extend beyond Europe.