Older Seminar Talks
Dynamical Systems and Geometry Seminar
Thursdays, 14:00 - 16:00 in MZH 4140
24.08.2021 12:00 | Ellen Rudolph (University of Bremen) | Berechnung der Hausdorff-Dimension einer Menge beschränkter Kettenbrüche |
06.08.2021 12:00 | Arthur Konschin (University of Bremen) | Iterierte Urbilder der Farey-Abbildung: eine effektive Masseabschätzung mittels Transferoperatortechniken |
23.06.2021 11:00 | Kieran Taylor (University of Bremen) | The Pisot Conjecture for Beta-Substitutions |
30.04.2021 10:15 | Ellen Rudolph (University of Bremen) | The Everything Formula - Verallgemeinerung von Tuppers Formel |
09.02.2021 | Laura Breitkopf (University of Bremen) | Masterkolloquium: Die Stern-Brocot-Folge für eine nichtarithmetische Heckedreiecksgruppe |
24.01.2020 10:00 in MZH 3150 | Laura Breitkopf | Schwach-mischende Systeme und ein Satz über multiple Wiederkehr |
09.01.2020 | Tanja Schindler | Convergence to extremal processes for Lévy processes with slowly varying canonical measure |
19.12.2019 | Laura Breitkopf Onno Schiak | Transformation of state spaces for continuous-time Markov processes Das Dirichlet-Prinzip in Sobolev-Räumen |
12.12.2019 | Anke Pohl | Dynamics in the cohomological interpretation of automorphic functions |
05.12.2019 | Marc Keßeböhmer | Farey and Stern-Brocot sequences: From number theory to dynamical systems |
21.11.2019 | Aljoscha Niemann | Krein-Feller Operatoren und deren Spektralasymptotik für selbstähnliche Maße und mögliche Verallgemeinerungen |
14.11.2019 | Alexander Lohse | Almost complete and equable heteroclinic networks |
24.10.2019 | Tim Alexander Rienits Planning Session | Die Leibnizformel zur Berechnung von π |
17.10.2019 | Maik Gröger | Bifurcation sets from families of bounded orbits, open dynamics and matching |
22.08.2019 | Florian Detken | Satz von Choquet |
04.07.2019 | Karenina Sender | The Sierpinski gasket as Martin boundary |
20.06.2019 | PaulHolst | Funktionen beschränkter Variation |
19.06.2019 | Tomas Persson | Potentials, energies and Hausdorff dimension |
13.06.2019 | Christina Moor | Induced infinite iterated function systems for a class of finite overlapping iterated function systems |
12.06.2019 | Daniel Lenz | Discrete spectrum and pure point diffraction |
06.06.2019 | Paul Wabnitz | Transfer operator approach to Selberg zeta function |
23.05.2019 | Wafa Chaouch Ben Saad | Random multifractals |
16.05.2019 | Aljoscha Niemann | Über einen Zusammenhang zwischen verallgemeinerten und klassischen Krein-Feller-Operatoren |
25.04.2019 | Anke Pohl | Cohomological interpretation of Maass cusp forms |
04.04.2019 | -- | Planning session |
31.01.2019 | Maik Gröger | Symbolic systems, topological complexity and fractal geometry |
24.01.2019 | Arne Mosbach | PROMOTIONSKOLLOQUIUM: Finite and Infinite Rotation Sequences and Beyond |
17.01.2019 | Hendrik Vogt | Zur isoperimetrischen Ungleichung und ihrer Verallgemeinerung durch Maz'ya |
10.01.2019 | Lothar Dirks | Kombinatorische Eigenschaften von Interval Exchange Transformations |
20.12.2018 | Manuel Stadlbauer | The topology of the Martin boundary of a group extension |
06.12.2018 | Arne Mosbach | Vague convergence of autocorrelations from beta-transformations |
29.11.2018 | Christina Moor | Augmented trees for infinite conformal iterated function systems and their boundaries |
22.11.2018 | Tanja Schindler | The thermodynamic formalism for an example of an unbounded potential |
15.11.2018 | Moritz Doll | Refined Weyl Law for the Perturbed Harmonic Oscillator |
08.11.2018 | Malte Steffens | PROMOTIONSKOLLOQUIUM: Regularity of Aperiodic Subshifts and Connections to Intermediate β-Transformations |
01.11.2018 | Konstantin Schäfer | Zusammenhänge zwischen Laplace- und Perron-Frobenius-Operatoren |
25.10.2018 | Henning Breede Sebastian Genske Jakob Lehmann | Satz von Krein-Milman Der große Satz von Picard Stone-Cech-Kompaktifizierung |
18.10.2018 | --- | Planning Session |
27.06.2018 | Karenina Sender | |
20.06.2018 | Keivan Mallahi Karai | Spectral independence and random walks on products of compact groups |
13.06.2018 | Carlos Osorio | Distributed information bottleneck method |
30.05.2018 | Paul Wabnitz | Transfer Operator Approach to Selberg Zeta Function |
23.05.2018 | Igors Gorbovickis | Renormalization of critical circle maps with singular critical points |
16.05.2018 | Maxim Kirsebom | A Poisson Law for Hurwitz Continued Fractions |
09.05.2018 | Anke Pohl | Selberg zeta functions with non-unitary twists |
02.05.2018 | Aljoscha Niemann | Gap diffusion |
25.04.2018 | Jichen Yang | Spectra, stability and energy estimates for reaction subdiffusion equations |
18.04.2018 | Arne Mosbach | Diffraction measures |
11.04.2018 | Open problem session | -- |
04.04.2018 | Planning session Judith Boeckers | -- Anwendungen des Brouwerschen Abbildungsgrades |
07.02.2018 | Natalia Jurga | Dimension of Bernoulli measures for non-linear countable Markov maps |
24.01.2018 | Konstantin Schäfer | Poisson-Grenzwertsätze für die Gauß-Abbildung |
17.01.2018 | Aljoscha Niemann | Van Hove Folgen und gemittelte Faltungen |
10.01.2018 | Christina Moor | Augmented tree structure for an iterated function system, its hyperbolic boundary and the open set condition |
20.12.2017 | Jan Gienapp | Krein's Correspondence |
29.11.2017 | Hendrik Weyer | Measure-geometric Laplacians for mixed measures |
15.11.2017 | Torben Schürenberg | Inversionsformel für das Hausdorff-Spektrum |
08.11.2017 | Arne Mosbach | Diffraction of mixing systems |
01.11.2017 | Konstantin Schäfer | Eine angepasste Version von Lin's Kriterium und ein alternativer Beweis für die Exaktheit der Farey-Abbildung |
18.10.2017 | -- | Planning session |
05.07.2017 | Gesche Dithmer | Martingale und Fraktale |
28.06.2017 | Aljoscha Niemann | Einführung in die stochastische Integration |
21.06.2017 | Aman Parmer | Mixing and Copula |
14.06.2017 | Arne Mosbach Malte Steffens | On convergence of measure w.r.t. rotation systems |
07.06.2017 | Torben Schürenberg | Einführung in die Kettenbruchtheorie |
31.05.2017 | Maik Gröger | Mean-equicontinuity and amenable group actions |
17.05.2017 | Keivan Mallahi | Asymptotic distribution of values of isotropic quadratic forms at S-integral points |
10.05.2017 | Maxim Kirsebom | Extreme Value Theory in Dynamical Systems - A crash course (part II) |
03.05.2017 | Maxim Kirsebom | Extreme Value Theory in Dynamical Systems - A crash course |
26.04.2017 | Konstantin Schäfer | Existenz von Gibbs-Maßen für abzählbare Markov-Shifts und der zentrale Grenzwertsatz für Hölder-stetige Funktionen |
05.04.2017 | -- | Planning session |
01.02.2017 | Wafa Ben Saad | The Hausdorff dimension of a random Cantor set |
25.01.2017 | Torben Schürenberg Holger Markmann | Exceptional points of rational maps Testing predictive regression models |
18.01.2017 | Konstantin Schäfer | Eine Verallgemeinerung des Theorems von Ionescu-Tulcea und Marinescu |
11.01.2017 | Yorick Netzer Saliha Yoldas | Der Primzahlsatz Topological and measure-theoretical entropy, and the variational principle |
21.12.2016 | Tony Samuel | Continuity of entropy in one-dimensional Lorenz maps |
14.12.2016 | Mikhail Hlushchanka Maik Gröger | Self-similar groups: limit spaces and growth Mean equicontinuity and amorphic complexity |
07.12.2016 | Hendrik Weyer | Measure-geometric Laplacians with respect to atomic measures |
23.11.2016 | Arne Mosbach Tony Samuel | Diffraction spectra involving the unit circle Quasicrystals, Jarník sets and spectral metrics |
16.11.2016 | Christina Moor | Topological and Gurevič pressure for countable Markov shifts: An introduction. |
09.11.2016 | Hendrik Vogt | L∞-Abschätzungen für die Torsionsfunktion |
02.11.2016 | Lorenz Breuer | Der thermodynamische Formalismus |
26.10.2016 | Arne Mosbach | Ergodic Theorem for commuting transformations |
19.10.2016 | --- | Planning Session |
29.06.2016 | Tanja Schindler | Trimmed sums for observables on the doubling map |
15.06.2016 | Arne Mosbach, Malte Steffens | Diffraction measures of certain Dirac combs: The state of the art |
08.06.2016 | Arne Mosbach, Malte Steffens | Diffraction measures of certain Dirac combs |
25.05.2016 | Stefanie Hittmeyer | Bifurcations of invariant sets in a map model of wild chaos |
11.05.2016 | Aljoscha Niemann Laura Paul Kevin Henke | Das Erdős-Kac-Theorem Riesz-Produkte Irrationale Rotation und Defraction |
27.04.2016 | Hendrik Weyer | The lonely runner conjecture - a fractal approach |
13.04.2016 | Ivan Ovsyannikov | Homoclinic bifurcations - A tutorial |
06.04.2016 | --- | Planning Session |
11.02.2016 | Gerrit Marquardt | Der Kreispackungs-Zugang zum Riemannschen Abbildungssatz |
04.02.2016 | Mikhail Hlushchanka | On growth of iterated monodromy groups: a geometric point of view |
21.01.2016 | Ian Melbourne | The Lorenz attractor is exponentially mixing |
14.01.2016 | Jan Gienapp | Ein alternativer Beweis des Birkhoffschen Ergodensatzes nach T. Kamae |
17.12.2015 | Arne Mosbach, Malte Steffens | Aperiodic order: On the structure of Sturmian sequences - Part 2 |
16.12.2015 | Christina Moor | A proof of the theorem of Peter and Weyl based on an article by Coquand and Spitters |
10.12.2015 | Arne Mosbach, Malte Steffens | Aperiodic order: On the structure of Sturmian sequences - Part 1 |
03.12.2015 | Janfried Michael | Hyperbolic Geometry, Number Theory and Symbolic Coding |
26.11.2015 | Dennis Ulbrich | Dynamics of the one-dimensional three-state Greenberg-Hastings cellular automaton |
23.11.2015 | Manuel Otten | Das Sekretärinnenproblem |
19.11.2015 | Karenina Sender | Das Sierpinski-Dreieck als Martin-Rand |
15.10.2015 | --- | Planning Session |
14.07.2015 | Maximilian Engel | Hopf Bifurcation and Additive White Noise |
09.07.2015 | Maik Gröger | Examples of Dynamical Systems in the Interface between Order and Chaos |
07.07.2015 | Bachelor Students | Presentation of bachelor thesis topics |
25.06.2015 | Balász Bárány | Self-affine measures with dominated splitting |
23.06.2015 | Tanja Schindler | Almost sure convergence for intermediate trimmed sums with an emphasis on subshifts of finite type II |
16.06.2015 | Tanja Schindler | Almost sure convergence for intermediate trimmed sums with an emphasis on subshifts of finite type I |
10.06.2015 | Dr. Niels Martin Møller | Gluing of Geometric PDEs - Obstructions vs. Constructions for Minimal Surfaces |
28.05.2015 | Mariusz Urbanski | Random Shifts of finite type with weakly positive transfer operator |
26.05.2015 | Kurt Falk | Boundaries of negatively curved spaces |
19.05.2015 | Anna Zielicz | Part I: Geometry and Dynamics for infinitely generated Kleinian groups Part II: Hyperbolic graphs for IFS's |
12.05.2015 | Johannes Kautzsch | Convergence to equilibrium of unbounded observables versus non-convergence of "nice" observables |
05.05.2015 | Arne Gebken | Thermodynamischer Formalismus |
28.04.2015 | --- | Planning Session |
29.01.2015 | Malte Steffens, Tony Samuel | An Introduction to Quasi Crystals II |
22.01.2015 | Malte Steffens, Tony Samuel | An Introduction to Quasi Crystals I |
15.01.2015 | Sascha Troscheit | Random graph directed systems and box-like carpets |
18.12.2014 | Johannes Jaerisch | Hoelder regularity of the complex analogues of the Takagi function |
11.12.2014 | Hendrik Weyer | Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of measure-geometric Laplacians |
04.12.2014 | Jakob Fisahn | A Fréchet law for maximal cuspidal windings |
27.11.2014 | Emily King | Wavelets: Ergodic Sets and Fractal Tilings |
20.11.2014 | Hendrik Vogt | A weak Gordon type condition for absence of eigenvalues of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators |
13.11.2014 | Malte Koch | Diffusion and spectral theory on fractals |
06.11.2014 | Maxim Kirsebom | Extreme value distributions for one-parameter actions on homogeneous spaces |
30.10.2014 | --- | Open Problem Session |
23.10.2014 | Ivan Ovsyannikov | Analytic Proof of the birth of Lorenz attractor |
14.07.2014 | Maik Gröger | Amorphic complexity |
07.07.2014 | Tanja Schindler | Almost sure convergence of trimmed Birkhoff sums - an operator theoretic approach |
30.06.2014 | Fabian Dreher | Das Umkehrproblem der Ausströmrate |
23.06.2014 | Anna Zielicz | Geodesic flow entropy and convex core entropy for geometric Schottky groups |
16.06.2014 | Arne Mosbach | Die WeierstraßFunktion und die HausdorffDimension |
03.06.2014 | Mikhail Hlushchanka | Iterated monodromy groups and holomorphic dynamics |
02.06.2014 | Maxim Kirsebom | Extreme value theory for random walks on homogeneous spaces |
26.05.2014 | Mikhail Hlushchanka | On the growth of iterated monodromy groups and Nekrashevych's conjecture |
19.05.2014 | Sabrina Kombrink | Renewal Theory in Symbolic Dynamics |
12.05.2014 | Jens Rademacher | Symmetry and pattern formation - an example from applications |
16.01.2014 | Hendrik Weyer | On the eigenvalue asymptotics of measure geometric Laplacians on fractals |
09.01.2014 | Malte Koch | Brownian motion on fractals: part II |
28.11.2013 | Kurt Falk | Convex core entropy and dimension gaps for Kleinian groups |
20.11.2013 | Anna Zielicz | Entropy of geodesic flow |
14.11.2013 | Tugba Yasav | Die Reimannsche Vermutung und Farey-Folgen |
07.11.2013 | Sanguo Zhu | Quantization of probability |
31.10.2013 | Fabian Dreher | Ausströmraten und Amöben |
24.10.2013 | Arne Mosbach | Einführung in die WeierstraßFunktion |
27.06.2013 | Janfried Michael | Der Satz von Roth und schärfere Approximationssätze in der Diophantischen Analysis |
27.06.2013 | Annika Vogt | Themen aus der Theorie der Diophantischen Approximationen |
27.06.2013 | Tomas Orczykowski | Fraktale Geometrie - Das Besovitch Problem |
27.06.2013 | Joschka Braun | Untersuchungen über den Minkowski Inhalt |
20.06.2013 | Malte Koch | Brownian motion on fractals |
13.06.2013 | Jakob Schröder | Generalized sum level sets |
12.06.2013 | Ale Jan Homburg | Research talk |
10.06.2013 | Manfred Denker | Martingale in der Dynamik |
30.05.2013 | Johannes Kautzsch | On the asymptotic behavior of the transfer operator associated to the Farey Map |
23.05.2013 | Manfred Denker | Remarks on the Patterson construction for conformal measures |
13.05.2013 | Tanja Schindler | Strong law of large numbers for intermediate trimmed sums |
06.05.2013 | Anna Zielicz | Non-examples and examples of P-class Fuchsian groups |
29.04.2013 | Jakob Fisahn | Hyperbolic geometry on the hyperboloid model |
22.04.2013 | Jens Rademacher | TBA |
07.02.2013 | Lidong Tang | Große Abweichungen von Rückkehrzeiten, Teil 2 |
24.01.2013 | Malte Steffens | Tilings and rotations on the torus: a two-dimensional generalization of Sturmian sequences |
17.01.2013 | Hendrik Weyer | The definition of a Laplacian on the Sierpinski-Gasket |
10.01.2013 | Sara Munday | Derivative of the alpha-Farey-Minkowski function |
20.12.2012 | Lidong Tang | Große Abweichungen von Rückkehrzeiten, Teil 1 |
13.12.2012 | Atsuya Otani | Multifractal approach to chaotically driven skew-product systems |
06.12.2012 | Tobias Oertel-Jäger | Rotation Theory and Poincare Classification on the two-dimensional torus |
29.11.2012 | Maik Gröger | Invariant graphs for skew product systems |
22.11.2012 | Arne Mosbach | Cusp-Formen und Homologiegruppen |
15.11.2012 | Kurt Falk | Vortrag zu "groben Cat(0)-Räumen" |
08.11.2012 | Fabian Dreher | Escape Rates |
01.11.2012 | Peter Quast | Isometrien hermitesch symmetrischer Räume und reelle Formen |
25.10.2012 | Felix Gardeberg | Turingmaschinen und ihre Anwendungen |
02.08.2012 | Martin Schmoll | An outlook on translation surfaces |
02.08.2012 | Alina Stürck | Hyperbolische Geometrie und Kettenbrüche |
19.07.2012 | Sara Munday | A Renewal theorem with infinite mean, Teil 2 |
18.07.2012 | Sara Munday | A Renewal theorem with infinite mean, Teil 1 |
05.07.2012 | Steve Buckley | An overview of rough CAT(0) spaces |
28.06.2012 | Lidong Tang | Larve deviation for return processes |
14.06.2012 | Sara Munday, Tony Samuel, Johannes Kautzsch | Operator renewal theory |
13.06.2012 | Moritz Biskamp | Pesin Formel für Zufällige Dynamische Systeme auf dem Rd |
07.06.2012 | Sara Munday, Tony Samuel, Johannes Kautzsch | Operator renewal theory |
31.05.2012 | Lisa Köppel | Klassifikation von Oberflächen und die Rolle der Euler'schen Charakteristik hierbei |
31.05.2012 | Leif Saballek | Elementare Untersuchungen der Primzahldichte |
24.05.2012 | Maik Gröger | Coupled skinny baker's maps and the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture |
10.05.2012 | Eugen Mihailescu | Higher dimensional hyperbolic dynamics, Teil 2 |
03.05.2012 | Eugen Mihailescu | Higher dimensional hyperbolic dynamics, Teil 1 |
22.02.2012 | Tony Samuel | Multivalued Dynamical Systems |
14.02.2012 | Anna Zielicz | Basics of hyperbolic geometry II |
09.02.2012 | Anna Zielicz | Basics of hyperbolic geometry I |
24.01.2012 | Sara Munday | Conjugating homeomorphism between the α-Farey map and the tent map |
18.01.2012 | Sara Munday | Conjungating homeomorphism between the α-Farey map and the tent map |
10.01.2012 | Manuel Stadtlbauer | A sigma-finite Perron Frobenius theorem for group extensions |
13.12.2011 | Fabian Dreher | Mischungseigenschaften in Strömungen unter einer Funktion |
06.12.2011 | Maik Gröger | Dimensions of attractors in pinched skew products |
29.11.2011 | Johannes Kautzsch | Renewal theory and uniformly returning sets |
22.11.2011 | Sabrina Kombrink | Minkowski Content |
16.11.2011 | Tanja Schindler | Limit laws and trimmed sums for the digits of continued fractions and Lüroth series |
08.11.2011 | Dr. Norbert Peyerimhoff | Zwei Radiustheoreme und harmonische Mannigfaltigkeiten |
11.10.2011 | Jörg Schmeling | Multifractal Analysis for Multiple Mixing |
20.09.2011 | Daniel Meyer | Thurston's Theorem, Cannon's conjecture, and rough geometry |
16.12.2010 | Johannes Jaerisch | Formalism for Group-Extensions |
22.06.2010 | Marvin Schulze | Der Primzahlsatz |
22.06.2010 | Mareike Best | Theorie der Kettenbrüche |
22.06.2010 | Hannah Klatt | Fraktale Geometrie und Kunst |
15.06.2010 | Sabrina Kombrink | Fraktale Krümmungsmaße |
01.06.2010 | Johannes Jaerisch | Random walks on groups II |
25.05.2010 | Johannes Jaerisch | Random walks on groups I |
Bremen Online Dynamics Seminar
Mondays, 15:30 - 16:45
22.03.2021 15:30 | Giulio Tiozzo (University of Toronto) | The fundamental inequality for random walks on cocompact Fuchsian groups |
15.03.2021 15:30 | Barbara Schapira (Université Rennes 1) | Strong positive recurrence for geodesic flows |
08.03.2021 15:30 | Ilya Gekhtman (Technion) | Gibbs measures vs. random walks in negative curvature |
18.02.2021 16:30 | Andrew Mitchell (University of Birmingham) | Measure theoretic entropy of random substitutions |
09.02.2021 14:00 | Carlangelo Liverani (Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata") | Measurements in Dynamical Systems |
28.01.2021 16:30 | Amir Mohammadi (UC San Diego) | Geodesic planes in hyperbolic 3-manifolds |
14.01.2021 16:30 | Giovanni Panti (Università degli Studi di Udine) | Slow continued fractions, Minkowski functions and the joint spectral radius |
26.11.2020 | Boris Springborn (TU Berlin) | The hyperbolic geometry of Markov's theorem on Diophantine approximation and quadratic forms |
12.11.2020 | Laura Monk (IRMA, Strasbourg) |
02.07.2020 4:30-6:00pm Online (e-mail Anke Pohl for access info) | Keivan Mallahi-Karai (Jacobs University) | Locally random groups |
04.06.2020 4:30-6:00pm Online | Sören Petrat (Jacobs University) | |
23.01.2020 Jacobs University | Manfred Einsiedler (ETH Zürich) | Primitive rational points on expanding horocycles |
Daniel Grieser (Oldenburg) | The geodesic flow on singular spaces |
28.02.2019 University of Oldenburg | Boris Vertman (Oldenburg) | |
Marc Keßeböhmer (Bremen) | ||
24.01.2019 University of Bremen | Hannes Uecker (Oldenburg) | |
Jens Rademacher (Bremen) | Dynamics of fronts in 1D Allen-Cahn equations with large scale coupling |
Applied Analysis Seminar
Tuesdays, 14:00 - 16:00 in MZH 4140
19.07.2022 at 16:00 | Sergey Tikhomirov | Depinning asymptotics in ergodic media |
19.07.2022 | Thibauld Congy | |
12.07.2022 | Christian Franzke (Pusan National University) | Systematic Multi-Scale Decomposition of Ocean Variability using Machine Learning |
07.06.2022 | Hendrik Vogt | The spectral theorem for compact operators: a simple proof |
31.05.2022 | Artur Prugger | |
24.05.2022 | Peter van Heijster | On the search for controllable chaos in a generalized Allen-Cahn-type equation |
11.05.2022 (WED at 14:00) | Tomas Dohnal (Uni Halle) | Nonlinear surface plasmons: an eigenvalue bifurcation problem |
19.04.2022 | Planning Session | --- |
03.03.2022 (11:00) | Sebastian Wieczorek, University College Cork | Rate-Induced Tipping in Asymptotically Autonomous Dynamical Systems |
11.01.2022 | Christian Rose | Large scale Gaußian upper bounds for heat kernels of unbounded graph Laplacians |
23.11.2021 | Ivan Yaroslavtsev | Stabilization by transport noise and enhanced dissipation in the Kraichnan model |
16.11.2021 | Open discussion | --- |
09.11.2021 | Prof. Andrew Foulkes, Dr. Shreya Sehgal (Hope University) | Transition from rigid rotation to meander in spiral waves: a numerical study for subcritical Hopf bifurcation |
02.11.2021 (16:15) | Graham Cox (Memorial University Newfoundland) | Generalized Maslov indices for non-Hamiltonian systems |
05.10.2021 | Anna Geyer (TU Delft) | Stability and persistence of periodic traveling waves |
28.09.2021 | Sebastian Suckau (Uni Bremen) | Reading Course: Fokker-Planck equation |
21.09.2021 | Miriam Steinherr (Uni Bremen) | |
13.07.2021 | Wei Li (De Paul U) | Embedded Eigenvalues for the Neumann-Poincaré Operator |
29.06.2021 | Anna Geyer (TU Delft) - Cancelled | Stability and persistence of periodic traveling waves |
15.06.2021 | Vincent Martinez (CUNY Hunter) | On unique ergodicity, regularity, and mixing for the weakly-damped stochastic KdV equation |
01.06.2021 | André Erhardt (WIAS) | Modelling and Analysis of Cardiac Dynamics |
18.05.2021 | Matt Holzer (GMU) | Locked fronts in a discrete time discrete space population model |
04.05.2021 | Giovanni di Fratta | Micromagnetics of curved thin films |
27.04.2021 | Margaret Beck | Spectral stability and spatial dynamics in partial differential equations |
20.04.2021 | Jan Härter | Criticality and bistability in the tropical convective cloud fields |
13.04.2021 | Di Qi | Creation of coherent zonal structures from selective decay and secondary instability |
23.03.2021 | Florian Noethen | Quantifying instabilities of chaotic background flow |
02.03.2021 | Evdokiia Slepukhina (Uni Hohenheim) | Noise-induced early afterdepolarizations in a cardiac action potential model |
16.02.2021 | Rüdiger Brecht (Newfoundland) | An energy conserving stochastic representation of the rotating shallow water equations with a structure preserving discretization |
26.01.2021 | Anne Pein | The parabolic Anderson model with Pareto potential on critical Galton-Watson trees conditioned to survive |
19.01.2021 | Dennis Ulbrich | Weak and strong interaction of excitation kinks in scalar parabolic equations |
12.01.2021 | Ivan Ovsyannikov | Birth of discrete Lorenz attractors in homoclinic and heteroclinic cycles of type (2, 1) and (1, 2). |
15.12.2020 | Bing-Ying Lu | Integrable systems |
21.09.2020 | Maria Höffmann | Risk Analysis in Ship Maneuvering Under the Influence of Wind |
09.07.2020 | Michael Lameter | Coherent structure generating automata |
07.07.2020 | Dr. Romain Ducasse (Université Lyon 1) | Spatial models for the propagation of epidemics |
16.06.2020 | Greg Faye | Asymptotic Stability of Critical Pulled Fronts using Pointwise Estimates |
26.05.2020 | Jens Rademacher | Accumulation of eigenvalues for traveling waves and scale separation |
19.05.2020 | Matthäus Mai (Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics e.V., Rostock) | Gaussian variation principle – a method to treat a single equation with several unknowns |
12.05.2020 | Nicola Vassena (TU Berlin) | The Jacobian of metabolic networks |
05.05.2020 | Dan Hill (University of Surrey) | Magnetic Mountains - Investigating the existence of localised axisymmetric patterns on the surface of a ferrofluid |
28.01.2020 | Jan Klüver PaulHolst | Trotter product formula for forms Relativ-beschränkte und relativ-kompakte Störungen selbstadjungierter Operatoren |
21.01.2020 | Miriam Steinherr-Zazo | Analysis of some non-smooth bifurcations with applications to ship maneuvering |
14.01.2020 | Bastian Hilder | Modulating traveling fronts in pattern forming systems with a conserved quantity |
07.01.2020 | Hendrik Vogt | Solving nonlinear non-autonomous equations |
03.12.2019 | Jan Meichsner | Fractional derivatives and integrals as application of different functional calculi |
19.11.2019 | Antoine Pauthier | Long time behaviour of solutions of semi-linear parabolic equations on the real line |
12.11.2019 | Jichen Yang | Spectral analysis and decay estimates for reaction-subdiffusion equations |
05.11.2019 | Artur Prugger | Explicit nonlinear waves of fluid models on extended domains and unbounded growth with backscatter |
22.10.2019 | Dennis Ulbrich | Stacked fronts in the theta-equation |
10.09.2019 | Antoine Pauthier | Advection-diffusion dynamics with nonlinear boudary flux as a model for crystal growth |
03.07.2019 | Jichen Yang | Spectra, Stability and Energy Estimates for Reaction Sub-diffusion Systems |
18.06.2019 | Moritz Doll | A Partial Data Problem in Linear Elasticity |
04.06.2019 | Jost Viebrock (MSc student, Universität Bremen) | |
07.05.2019 | Miriam Steinherr Dennis Ulbrich Artur Prugger | |
06.05.2019 | Jichen Yang Lars Siemer | |
30.04.2019 | Mathias Temmen (MSc student, Universität Bremen) | Analyse der Stabilität und Steuerung eines 3DOF-Schiffskörpers |
16.04.2019 | Artur Prugger | Nonlinear waves in damped driven rotating shallow water equations |
09.04.2019 | Jens Rademacher | |
26.03.2019 | Jan Gienapp (MSc student, Universität Bremen) | Herleitung und Eigenschaften von Strömungsgleichungen |
05.02.2019 | Dr. Hannes Stuke (Free University Berlin) | A dynamical systems approach to outlier robust machine learning |
22.01.2019 | Michael Gruber (Leibniz Universität Hannover) | Absolutely continuous spectrum for periodic magnetic fields |
15.01.2019 | Lars Siemer | Inhomogeneous Domain Walls in Nanowires |
08.01.2019 | Jichen Yang | The role of advection for patterns near Turing instabilities in planar reaction-diffusion systems |
18.12.2018 | Alexander Mielke (Weierstraß-Institut Berlin) | Traveling fronts in two-scale homogenized reaction-diffusion systems |
11.12.2018 | Ben Schweizer (Technische Universität Dortmund) | Introduction to Homogenisation |
04.12.2018 | Eugenia Saorín Gómez (ALTA, Universität Bremen) | Some modern aspects of classical Convex Geometry |
27.11.2018 | Dennis Ulbrich | Dynamics and topological entropy of general 1D-Greenberg-Hastings cellular automata: non-wandering set and step-size analysis |
13.11.2018 | Miriam Steinherr Zazo | Analysis of bifurcations in non-smooth dynamical systems with applications to ship maneuvering |
05.11.2018 | Kathrin Flaßkamp (AG Optimierung und Optimale Steuerung, University of Bremen) Luis Lüttgens (Masters student, University of Bremen) | Optimal Trajectory Planning with Motion Primitives for Autonomous Navigation of Ships |
24.10.2018 | Eva Hackmann (ZARM, University of Bremen) | Equilibrium configurations of fluids in General Relativity |
05.07.2018 | Cris Raghib (Auckland, New Zealand) | |
03.07.2018 | Thies Alex | |
26.06.2018 | Cristian Kuehn | |
19.06.2018 | Manita Chouksey (Hamburg) | |
05.06.2018 | Miriam Steinherr Zazo Lars Siemer | |
29.05.2018 | Hannes de Witt (Oldenburg) | |
22.05.2018 | Jichen Yang Ivan Ovsyannikov | |
17.05.2018 | Christian Seis (Muenster) | |
15.05.2018 | Friederike Pollmann (Hamburg) | |
08.05.2018 | Alexandra Tzella (Birmingham) | |
03.05.2018 | Camila Nobili (Hamburg) | |
24.04.2018 | Eva Hackman | |
23.04.2018 | Camila Nobili (Hamburg) | |
17.04.2018 | Dennis Ulbrich | |
10.04.2018 | Jens Rademacher | Dynamics of fronts |
22.02.2018 | Prof. Dr. Marc Avila (ZARM) | Dynamical-system approach to the turbulence problem |
15.02.2018 | Eric Siero (Oldenburg) | Nonlocal grazing in patterned ecosystems |
13.02.2018 | Paul Carter (Leiden) | Slow absolute spectrum and accumulation of eigenvalues in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system |
23.01.2018 | Andreas Prohl (Tübingen) | Computational Ferromagnetism |
10.01.2018 | Alan Champneys | Unfolding the Painlevé paradox in contact mechanics |
19.12.2017 | Jörg Härterich (Bochum) | Tutorenschulung, Helpdesk und Co. - Elemente zur Unterstützung des Lernens |
12.12.2017 | Vassily Gelfreich | Stokes phenomenon, complex matching and embedded solitons |
06.12.2017 | Alexandr Gonchenko (Nizhny Novgorod) | Strange pseudohyperbolic attractors in 3D Henon maps |
05.12.2017 | Mikhail Malkin (Nizhny Novgorod) | High dimensional perturbation of Lorenz maps |
21.11.2017 | Dennis Ulbrich | The Perron-Frobenius Theorem: a tool to compute topological entropy for a wide class of shifts of finite type |
10.11.2017 | Patrick Dondl (Freiburg) | Motion of interfaces in random media: pinning and some applications |
07.11.2017 | Alexander Pogromsky (TU Eindhoven) | Comprehending complexity: where Shannon meets Lyapunov |
05.09.2017 | Sofia Castro (University of Porto) | The dynamics of learning in game theory |
Bremen-Oldenburg Analysis Seminar
28.02.2019 University of Oldenburg | Boris Vertman (Oldenburg) | |
Marc Keßeböhmer (Bremen) | ||
24.01.2019 University of Bremen | Hannes Uecker (Oldenburg) | |
Jens Rademacher (Bremen) | Dynamics of fronts in 1D Allen-Cahn equations with large scale coupling |