What we should know about mother*hood and becoming parents

Monday, May 13th - 10:00 to 10:50 AM

Presentation language: German
This event will take place online.

In this presentation, the multifaceted, often unconscious or unspoken aspects of mother*hood and becoming parents are explored and contextualized within the broader societal framework.

The concept of "maternal* identity" is elucidated, highlighting how becoming a mother* entails similar challenges and developmental processes as puberty. Additionally, common myths surrounding mother*hood are debunked, and there is critical reflection on the expectations imposed on parents in our society.

Elena's presentation offers a fresh perspective on the topic and encourages discussion about societal norms and gender roles. At the end, there will be time for questions and exchange.

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About this person

Elena Sánchez Martín is wholeheartedly committed to holistic well-being during mother*hood and beyond. She is a body therapist, maternity* coach, a mother* herself, and the founder of Mamasenda.

In her workshops and one-on-one sessions, she empowers and supports mothers* to create a self-determined, satisfying daily life where their own needs have space without guilt.

Key focuses of her work include empathetic, honest education about the transition into mother*hood/parenthood and critical examination of common myths and taboos surrounding mother*hood.