IT Services


Center for Networks (ZfN)

The center for Networks operates the campus data network and central server services as well as the university's identity management. It is also responsible for user consulting and training, for operating a central computer pool for education and training, and for managing and issuing software licenses.

List of contact persons of the ZfN

Administrative Department 5 - IT, Media Infrastructure and Central Services

The Administrative Department 5 iis the contact for all questions regarding IT systems and IP telephony. Here Administrativ Unit 50 is responsible for IT applications and terminal devices of the administration and Administrativ Unit 54 for scientific IT. Das Referat 53 beinhaltet die Medienstelle und das Veranstaltungsbüro.

Link: Dezernat 5

Center for Multimedia in Higher Education (ZMML)

The ZMML is the central e-learning facility of the University of Bremen and aims at the demand-oriented and systematic identification, introduction, integration and further development of e-learning offers as well as the bundling of all e-learning activities and innovations at the University of Bremen.


Phone and fax

The Administrative Department 5 is responsible for the telephony, fax and answering machine services on the university campus.

For more information on how to use the IP phones, the answering machine, fax functions and telephone requests, please refer to the internal employee area.

Print, Copy & Scan

Employees can connect to the RICO copy printers in the university buildings. All questions and instructions for installation and use are answered in the internal employee area.

Internal employee area for Copies, Prints & Scans