Communication during studies

About the use of Stud.IP
Stud.IP is the electronic course management system at the University of Bremen.
At the beginning of each semester, students enter the courses they wish to attend. Stud.IP encompasses the courses you participate in and not the modules.
When you register at the University, you receive online access with which you can install your Uni-Account and your email address. Use your user data to log in to Stud.IP and now you have all functions at your disposal.
Stud.IP incorporates an excellent help function containing detailed instructions on how to use Stud.IP.
Lecturers communicate a lot of information concerning courses by email via Stud.IP. Course participants can access such information via their dedicated University email address (
All messages sent by lecturers or University units go to this address – emails can be rerouted to a private address if so wished. However, nothing will be sent directly to a private email address.
If you wish, you can have emails rerouted to your private email address or to a separate account installed in your email program (e.g. Thunderbird), which can then also be used to send messages. You can find a guide to emails and communication [Anleitungen für die Konfiguration von Email-Programmen] on the website of the Zentrum für Netze ZFN [Center of Networks].

Bioliste - Chemieliste
The Biology and Chemistry directories Bioliste and Chemieliste are important references for all students of Biology and Chemistry. You access the two "directories" in Stud.IP under “courses” – but they are really information vehicles by which you receive updated information among other things on
- examinations
- job opportunities
- external interships
Although the Bioliste and Chemieliste may not completely take the place of announcements posted on the notice board or everything that lecturers wish to communicate, they do represent an important information medium for students.
You shouldn’t fail to enter your name when you join the Bachelor Biology or Chemistry program.