Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Transfer at the faculty of Biology and Chemistry
In our research projects in the field of biology/chemistry, we take up questions from society and develop solutions.
Health, sustainable use of natural resources and our environment, and future-oriented innovation are essential topics in our faculty.
Students at FB2 should become problem solvers. Practical relevance in studies, projects and theses is therefore of great concern to us.
Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the University of Bremen
Ever since it was founded in 1971, the University of Bremen has been characterized by an awareness of its social responsibility. This mission will continue to be given high priority. The University wants to take part in shaping social debates, cultural life and economic development in the future – especially in the state of Bremen, but also beyond. We can only do this together with our partners: Cooperation in all areas is our key to success.
The Department 2 Biology/Chemistry contributes with its subject culture to the broad, research-based transfer.
moreOur commitment
Contact persons

Internationalization and Diversity
Dr. Kathrin Maedler
Islet Biology Laboratory
phone +49 421 218 63290
email: kmaedlerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Internationalization and Diversity
Dr. Ute Meyer
Deputy: Corinna Müller-Wiegmann
Studienbüro FB2
phone: +49 421 218 62180
email: internationalfb2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Dr. Kathrin Maedler
Islet Biology Laboratory
phone +49 421 218 63290
email: kmaedlerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de