MP 3
Profile sharpening of General Studies
Within the framework of General Studies, students should be given as much (elective) freedom as possible in order to train competences in accordance with their individual and heterogeneous learning needs. In order to achieve the desired profile sharpening, the main focus will be placed on the acquisition of competences, methods and techniques that enable students to present research results and practice teamwork in the areas of self-organization and project management. The structure of quality assurance introduced in 2015 is to be tested step by step and re-adjusted in MP 3 “Profile sharpening of General Studies". The General Studies department already set up in ForstA steers and assists the further development of General Studies as preparatory and supporting formats of “research-based learning”. The planned coordination of the support measures contained in MP 2 is to ensure that curricula are anchored sustainably.
Further information can be found [here].
MP 3 coordination
Dr. Pia Kegler
Referat Lehre und Studium
Gebäude/Raum: VWG 0300
Telefon: +49-421-218-60357
Mail:pia.keglerprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de