General Studies

In degree programs, "General Studies" is a comprehensive course of study. The range of subjects includes offers of general academic education and career orientation.

The proportion of General Studies offered in degree programs at the University of Bremen is set at 18 to 45 CPs in Section 4 of the General Section of the Bachelor Examination Regulations.

In the sense of profile building against the background of the University's overall teaching profile and in the context of research-based learning, an emphasis is placed on:

  • Acquisition of the knowledge, competences, methods and techniques prerequisites for research-based learning.
  • Acquisition of interdisciplinary generic skills that promote personal autonomy and personality development.
  • Acquisition of profile-forming content, for example, from the fields of science and ethics, gender and diversity.

Courses offered include Foreign language courses, offers from the faculty catalogue, offers for the acquisition of generic skills as well as on the topic of learning techniques and career orientation. See the course catalogue for the complete offer in general studies.

The Study Centers of each faculty provide information on the selection and recognition of general studies, as well as on the general studies offer of the faculties.

The Structure of Supplementary Studies

General Studies (open offers of the Faculties, language courses, interdisciplinary lecture series, gender and diversity studies, sustainability, theater and music)

Foreign Languages ​​(language courses, specialized language courses, the self-study program offered by the Language Centre SZHB)

Generic Competences (studying, teaching and learning competences, personal and inter-personal skills)

Studying and Career (vocational orientation and preparation)

Downloads und Links

General Studies catalogue SoSe 2024 [Link]

General Studies Concept [Download]

Quality Assurance [Download]

Learning platform Stud.IP [Link]


Dr. Pia Kegler

Administrative Unit Teaching and Studies

Building/Room:SFG 2430
Telephone: +49-421-218-60357