Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Dekorsy

Project Leader

ArminDekorsy (IEEE Senior Member), Executive Director of the Gauss-Olbers Space Technology Transfer Center and head of the Department of Communications Engineering of the University of Bremen received his B.Sc. from the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, M.Sc. from the University of Paderborn, and Ph.D. from the University of Bremen, all in communications engineering.  He is distinguished by eleven years of industry experience in leading positions at Lucent’s Bell Labs  and Qualcomm. Prizes are the Bruker-Daltronics Award, the Lucent Technology Award, and the ITG Award. His research focuses on signal processing and communications for 5G/6G, industrial radio, and LEO/GEO satellites. He is co-author of the textbook "Nachrichtenübertragung, Release 6, Springer", a bestseller in the German-speaking world.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Dekorsy


Prof. Dr-Ing. ArminDekorsy
Department of Communications Engineering
University of Bremen

Otto-Hahn-Allee, 28359 Bremen, DE
NW1-Building, Room W1 N2280
+49 421 218 62400
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