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Kirsten Tracht, Bremen Institute for Mechanical Engineering and Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte.
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Mayor Bovenschulte Visits University of Bremen

One of the focus points of the visit was the newly applied “The Martian Mindset: A Scarcity-Driven Engineering Paradigm” Cluster of Excellence of the Materials Science and Technologies high-profile area.

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Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Astrobiologist Cyprien Verseux

Astrobiologist Cyprien Verseux from the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity has been awarded the European Research Council's prestigious Starting Grant. For five years, he will be able to pursue a cutting-edge research project with 1.56 million euros.

Gruppenbild neben Marslandschaft
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University of Bremen Enters the Race for Excellence with Two Clusters

The University of Bremen has submitted a full application and an application for continuation in the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Government. The university enters the race with its high-profile areas Materials Science and MARUM – together with the University of Oldenburg.

Gruppenfoto der Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner vor der Joachim Herz Stiftung
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University of Bremen as a Pioneer: 30 Million Euros for the First Center for Accelerated Technology Transfer

Accelerating research to market readiness – this is the goal of the first “innovate! Center”. Three pilot projects will develop sustainable solutions for technological challenges starting in 2025. The Joachim Herz Foundation will provide up to 30 million euros of financing for the endeavor.

Bürgermeister Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte spricht vor den Mitarbeitenden der Universität Bremen
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University of Bremen Excellence Cluster Teams Visit the City Hall

Mayor Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte and Kathrin Moosdorf, Senator for the Environment, Climate, and Science, honored the work of the Excellence Cluster teams at the University of Bremen at a senate reception. The cluster applications have shown how competitive the scientific landscape in Bremen is.

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"Dancing with Electrons" – on the Dancefloor with Zink-Ion Batteries

On May 7, 2024, the Bremen Science Slam took place at the Schlachthof cultural center. Chemist Sara Sfiligoi from the University of Bremen inspired the audience with her performance. She explained how zinc-ion batteries support the use of wind and solar energy.

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24. October 202424. October 2025

November 2024
Online Workshop “Information & Orientation” for the navigare – Career Coaching 2025
08:00 16:00

navigare – Career Coaching is designed for women, trans, inter, and non binary researchers considering a career in science. Within the program, [...]

January 2025
MAPEX PhD Welcoming Event
11:00 12:00
Location: aib (Hochschulring 40)
Category: Mapex QP, MAPEX Workshops

This event offers you a perfect opportunity to get to know other Early Career Researchers within MAPEX, find out about the wide range of offers by MAPEX and its qualification programme and how we support you in your doctoral project.

February 2025
Workshop: Sketchnoting in Science
09:00 17:00
Location: MARUM I (main) building, room 2060

The MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme supports doctoral candidates in acquiring transversal skills and competencies useful for future [...]

April 2025
Workshop: Poster Design and Graphical Abstracts
09:00 17:00

The MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme supports doctoral candidates in acquiring transversal skills and competencies useful for future [...]

Updated by: MAPEX