Prof. Dr. Theo Berger

© Foto Baack,
Private lecturer
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1
28359 Bremen
WiWi 1, Raum A 2390
Telefon: +49 (0)421 218-66902
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• Financial Econometrics
• Forecasting
• Wavelet-Analysis
To Person
Prof. Dr. Theo Berger is according to Handelsblatt-/Wirtschaftswoche-Ranking 2019 in Top 100 researchers in Economics under 40 years in Germany.
since 2020 | Professor of Statistics and Data Analytics at Harz University of Applied Sciences |
since 2017 | Privat Lecturer at Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics |
2017 | Habilitation in Statistics, Econometrics and Economics at University of Bremen |
2012 | PhD in Statistics at University of Bremen |
Prof. Dr. Theo Berger is according to Handelsblatt-/Wirtschaftswoche-Ranking 2019 in Top 100 researchers in Economics under 40 years in Germany.
- T. Berger und R. Gencay (2020): Volatility Spillover along the Supply Chains: A Network Analysis on Economic Links, Journal of Risk, 22(5), 83-113.
- T. Berger und R. Gencay (2020): Short-run wavelet-based covariance regimes for applied portfolio management, Journal of Forecasting, 39(4), 642-660.
- T. Berger und R. Czudaj (2020): Commodity futures and a wavelet-based risk assessment, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 554, 124339.
- J. Beckmann, T. Berger und R. Czudaj (2019): Gold Price Dynamics and the Role of Uncertainty, Quantitative Finance, 19 (4), 663-681.
- T. Berger und R. Gencay (2018): Improving daily Value-at-Risk forecasts: The Relevance of Short-run Volatility for Regulatory Quality Assessment, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 92, 30-46.
- M. Al Janabi, J. Arreola Hernandez, T. Berger und D. Nguyen (2017): Multivariate Dependence and Portfolio algorithms under Illiquid Market Scenarios, European Journal of Operational Research, 259, 1121-1131.
- J. Beckmann, T. Berger, R. Czudaj und T. Hoang (2017): Tail Dependence between Gold and Sectorial Stocks in China: Perspectives for Portfolio Diversification, Empirical Economics, 1, 1-28.
- J. Beckmann, T. Berger und R. Czudaj (2017): The Macroeconomic Role of Currency Reserve Accumulation in Emerging Markets - The Asian Experience, The World Economy, 41, 77-99.
- T. Berger (2016): Wavelet Decomposition and Applied Portfolio Management, Journal of Risk, 18, 53-77.
- T. Berger und G. Salah Uddin (2016): On the Dynamic Dependence between Equity Markets, Commodity Futures and Economic Uncertainty Indexes, Energy Economics, 56,374-383.
- T. Berger und C. Fieberg (2016): On Portfolio Optimization: Forecasting Covariances based on Multiscale Risk Models, Journal of Risk Finance,17, 295-309.
- T. Berger (2016): On the Isolated Impact of Copulas on Risk Measurement: A Simulation Study, Economic Modelling, 58, 475-481.
- T. Berger (2016): Conditional Volatility Forecasts based on Wavelet Decomposition, Operations Research Proceedings 2015, forthcoming
- T. Berger (2015): Forecasting based on Decomposed Financial Return Series: A Wavelet Analysis, Journal of Forecasting, 35 (5), 419-433.
- J. Beckmann, T. Berger und R. Czudaj (2015): Oil Price and FX-rates Dependency, Quantitative Finance, 16(3), 477-488.
- T. Berger (2015): A Wavelet based Approach to Measure and Manage Contagion at Different Time Scales, Physica A, 436, 338-350.
- J. Beckmann, T. Berger und R. Czudaj (2015): Does Gold act as a Hedge or a Safe Haven for Stocks? A Smooth Transition Approach, Economic Modelling, 48, 16-24.
- T. Berger und M. Missong (2014): Copulas and Portfolio Strategies: An applied Risk Management Perspective, Journal of Risk, 17(2), 51-92.
- T. Berger (2014): Misspecified Dependency Modelling: What does it mean for Risk Measurement, Operations Research Proceedings 2013, 15-22.
- T. Berger und M. Missong (2014): Financial Crisis, Value-at-Risk Forecasts and the Puzzle of Dependency Modeling, International Review of Financial Analysis, 33, 33-38.
- T. Berger (2013): Forecasting Value-at-Risk Using Time Varying Copulas and EVT Return Distributions, International Economics, 133, 93-106.
- T. Berger (2013): Financial crisis, VaR forecasts and the performance of time varying EVT-Copulas, Operations Research Proceedings 2012, 35-40.
- IRMC 2020, International Risk Management Conference, Global Virtual Conference, Turin
- OR 2019 Conference, International Conference on Operations Research, Dresden
- Statistische Woche 2019, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Trier
- Invited Speaker, Diginomics Graduiertenkolleg, Bremen
- ISEEFI 2019, 7th International Symposium on Environment and Energy Finance Issues, Paris
- Statistische Woche 2018, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Augsburg
- Invited Speaker, 4th Annual Society of Economic Measurement Conference, Boston
- Invited Speaker, Workshop on Innovative Methods in Finance and Economics, Istanbul
- EEFS, Workshop on Financial Econometrics and Empirical Modeling, Bochum
- ICMAIF 2017, International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Crete
- EFMA 2017, European Financial Management Association Conference, Athens
- IFABS 2017, International Finance and Banking Society Conference, Oxford
- OR 2017 Conference, International Conference on Operations Research, Berlin
- Statistische Woche 2017, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Rostock
- CEQURA Conference 2017, 8th CEQURA Conference on Advances in Financial and Insurance Risk Management, Munich
- IFABS 2016, International Finance and Banking Society Conference, Barcelona
- ECOMFIN 2016, Energy and Commodiy Finance Conference, Paris
- World Finance Conference 2016, New York
- Invited Speaker, Research Seminar, University of Cologne, Cologne
- Invited Speaker, Banking and Finance Seminar, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
- MFA Midwest Finance Association, 64th Annual Meeting, Chicago
- EEFS 2015, European Economics and Finance Society Annual Conference, Brussels
- OR 2015 Conference, International Conference on Operations Research, Vienna
- Statistische Woche 2015, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Hamburg
- Invited Speaker, Quantitative Finance Laboratory, Humboldt-University, Berlin
- MFA Midwest Finance Association, 63rd Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida
- IFABS 2014, International Finance and Banking Society Conference, Lisbon
- EFMA 2014, European Financial Management Association Conference, Rome
- OR 2014 Conference, International Conference on Operations Research, Aachen
- Statistische Woche 2014, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Hanover
- CFE 2014, 1st Conference on Recent Developments in Financial Econometrics and Applications, Melbourne
- PFMC 2014, Financial Management Conference 2014, Paris
- Statistische Woche 2013, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Berlin
- OR 2013 Conference, International Conference on Operations Research, Rotterdam
- Euro-Informs 2013, 26TH European Conference on Operational Research, Rome
- European Economics and Finance Society, Twelfth Annual Conference, Berlin
- MFA Midwest Finance Association, 62nd Annual Meeting, Chicago
- CEQURA Conference 2012, 3rd CEQURA Conference on Advances in Financial and Insurance Risk Management, Munich
- Statistische Woche 2012, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Vienna
- OR 2012 Conference, International Annual Conference on Operations Research, Hanover
- EFMA 2012, European Financial Management Association Conference, Barcelona
- FFM 2012, Forecasting Financial Markets 19th International Conference, Marseille
- 15th SGF CONFERENCE 2012, Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, Zurich
- 1rst PhD Student Conference in International Macroeconomics and Financial Econometrics, Paris
- CEQURA Conference 2011, Conference on Advances in Financial and Insurance Risk Management, Munich
- Macro and Financial Econometrics Conference, Heidelberg
- Statistische Woche 2010, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Nuremberg
- WiSe 20/21 Lecture: Applied Data Science (Master)
- SoSe 20 Lecture: Advanced Econometrics: Time series analytics (Master)
- WiSe 19/20 Lecture: Applied Data Science (Master)
- SoSe 19 Lecture: Advanced Econometrics and Data Science (Master)
- WiSe 18/10 Lecture: Applied Data Science (Master)
- June 18 - July 18 Visiting researcher: SHU-UTS SILC Business School (Shanghai University)
- SoSe 18 Lecture: Advanced Econometrics (Master)
- WiSe 17/18 Lecture: Analysis of Economic Data (Bachelor)
- SoSe 17 Lecture: Statistics (Bachelor), Advanced Econometrics (Master)
- WiSe 16/17 Lecture: Analysis of Economic Data (Bachelor)
- SoSe 16 Lecture: Statistics (Bachelor), Advanced Econometrics (Master)
- März 16 Seminar: Introduction in Matlab, Advanced Matlab (PhD / Universität Oldenburg)
- WiSe 15/16 Visiting researcher: Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, British Columbia)
- SoSe 15 Lecture: Statistics (Bachelor), Applied Econometrics with Matlab (Master)
- SoSe 14 Lecture: Applied Econometrics with Matlab (Master)
- Feb 14-Mai 14 Lecture: Risk Management (Master / Macau University of Technology)
- WiSe 13/14 Lecture: Advanced Econometrics (Master)
- Okt 13 Lecture: Applied Economics (Bachelor / Universitat Politecnica de Valencia)
- SoSe 2013 Exercise: Statistics (Bachelor)
- WiSe 12/13 Seminar: Introduction in SPSS (Master), Exercise: Intermediate Econometrics (Master)
- SoSe 2012 Exercise: Statistics (Bachelor)